LLB 3rd Sem. Important Questions With Answers

LLB 3rd Sem. Important Questions With Answers – LLB 3rd Semester stands for Bachelor of Laws (LLB) Third Semester. It’s part of the third year of a law degree program.

Subjects: In this semester, you’ll likely cover core subjects like Law of Evidence, Legal Language, Human Rights and International Law, and Arbitration & Alternate Dispute Resolution. You might also have electives focusing on specific areas of law. LLB 3rd Sem. Important Questions With Answers

Resources: To get a better understanding of the specific curriculum, you can try searching for “[LLB 3rd Semester syllabus]” + [University name] if you know the university you’re interested in. LLB 3rd Sem. Important Questions With Answers

LLB 1st Sem. Important Questions With Answers

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General resources: Here are some general resources that might be helpful:

When publication of information relating to proceedings in chambers or in camera not to be contempt? Explain.

LLB 3rd Sem. Important Questions With Answers – In India, the Contempt of Courts Act, 1971 governs when publishing information on chamber or in camera proceedings is considered contempt. Here’s a breakdown:

Generally, publishing a fair and accurate report of a judicial proceeding, even if held in chambers (a judge’s private room) or in camera (closed to the public), is not contempt of court [Section 4 & 7 of The Contempt of Courts Act, 1971]. LLB 3rd Sem. Important Questions With Answers

Law Prohibits Publication: If another law specifically prohibits publishing information from the proceedings, then it can be contempt.

Court Order Against Publication: If the court, for reasons of public policy or its inherent powers, expressly prohibits publishing any or specific information from the proceedings, disobeying that order is contempt.

Public Order or Security Concerns: If the chamber or in camera hearing was held due to concerns about public order or national security, publishing information about it can be contempt.

Secret Processes: If the proceedings involved a secret process, discovery, or invention, publishing details about that can be contempt. LLB 3rd Sem. Important Questions With Answers

What qualities are required to be a successful lawyer?

What do you mean by Bar-Bench relation? Explain in detail.

The Advocates Act provides remedies against the order of Punishment for professional or other misconduct. Explain what are those remedies ?

What is nature and extent of punishment for contempt of court? Also explain the remedies against the order of punishment.

Explain the constitutional validity of the Contempt of Court Act.

What are the various functions of Bar Council of India. Explain in detail?

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What are duties of Lawyer in a criminal case. Explain in brief.

Disqualification for enrolement as an Advocate.

When publication of information relating to proceedings in chambers or in camera not to be contempt? Explain.

Define Administrative Action.

Write a short note on the doctrine of Audi Alteram Partem’.

Discuss the definition, nature and the scope of the Administrative Law.

What is Natural Justice ? Discuss certain rules of Natural Justice.

Discuss various controls to be exercised over delegated legislation.

What is Public Interest Litigation? Explain its origin and nature in the Indian Context.

What is Lokpal ? Discuss functions of Lokpal.

Write a short note on ‘Iddat’ under Muslims Law.

Write a note on ‘Acknowledgment of paternity’ under Muslim Law.

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In which year Indian Succession Act was passed and to whom this act is applicable ?

What do you mean by ‘Muta’ ? Explain.

Write a note on Widow’s right of retention. Is this right transferable ?

Discuss the different schools of Sunni.

What is the concept and nature of Waqf in Muslim Law? Explain. 

Define marriage according to Muslim law. What are the essentials of a valid marriage ? A young Muslim couple at the time of their marriage agree not to · procreate children. Will that marriage be void ? Discuss.

Write a detailed note on the Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act, 1939.

Discuss the right of Muslim wives to maintenance.

Define Pre-emption. Can the pre-emption be claimed on the ground of vicinage in India?

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Discuss the importance of ljma and Qiyas as sources of Muslim Personal Law.

Distinction between Charge’ and ‘Mortgage’.

Distinguish mortgage with charge and lease.

‘Transferability is the inherent quality of property.’ Explain what are the exception of this rule ? Explain.

What is subrogation ? What are its kinds ? Who can claim subrogation? Distinguish between legal and conventional subrogation.

Define lease and explain its essential elements. Distinguish it from licence and easement. When does a lease determined and forfeited?

Critically examine the nature and extent of the doctrine of election.

What do you mean by easement ? What rights and corresponding restrictions does easement create?

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