IGNOU EPS-09 Solved GUESS PAPER, Imp. Notes

IGNOU EPS-09 Solved Guess paper 2023-24 , EPS-09 Comparative Government and Politics Solved Guess paper 2023-24 Download Free :   EPS-09 Solved Assignment 2023-2024 , IGNOU EPS-09 Previous paper 2023-24, EPS-09 important questions 2023-24 , EPS-09 Assignment , EPS-09 Comparative Government and Politics   Solved Guess Paper 2023-24 Download Free IGNOU Assignments 2023-24- IGNOU Comparative Government and Politics   Solved Guess Paper 2023-24 Gandhi National Open University had recently uploaded the assignments of the present session for IGNOU Comparative Government and Politics   for the year 2023-24. Students are recommended to download their Assignments from this webpage itself.

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Discuss the decline of legislature as an organ of the government.

IGNOU EPS-09 Solved GUESS PAPER – The decline of legislatures as a powerful force in government is a concern in many democracies.

Increased Complexity of Issues: Modern societies face a wider range of complex issues, from environmental regulation to technological advancements. Legislatures may struggle to keep up with the expertise needed to effectively debate and craft laws in these areas. This can lead to a reliance on the executive branch, which may have more resources and technical knowledge at its disposal.

Weakened Deliberative Role: Partisan politics and increased party discipline can stifle meaningful debate and compromise within legislatures. Legislators may be more focused on following party lines than on engaging in reasoned discussion and amendment of proposed laws. Additionally, a decline in civility and decorum can further erode the quality of discourse.

Shifting Power to the Executive: The rise of executive power is another factor. Executives often have more control over the legislative agenda, and legislatures may delegate more law-making authority to them through executive orders. This can bypass the normal legislative process and reduce the legislature’s role in shaping laws.

Public Perception: Public trust in legislatures can be eroded by scandals, gridlock, and a perception that legislators are more concerned with partisan battles than with the public good. This can further weaken the legislature’s ability to assert itself as a check on the executive branch.

Give an overview of the Human Rights Movement in India.

Describe the different categories of peasantry.

Discuss Women’s Suffrage Movements.

Write an essay on Greens of Germany.

Discuss the definition and the problem of identifying peasantry.

Examine the distinction between democratic

Trace the changing nature of federalism.

Write a note on Republicanism as a form of government.

Critically examine the functions of political parties.

Elaborate the factors behind the acceptance of New Globalisation.

Elaborate upon the techniques of pressure groups.

Discuss the Human Rights Movement in India.

Write an essay on the salient features of globalisation.

Describe the functions of political parties.

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Explain the techniques used by pressure groups.

Comment on the changing nature of federalism.

What is Republicanism ? Explain.

Describe the features of a federal form of government.

Discuss the characteristics of authoritarianregimes.

Trace the evolution of industrial class formation in the 19thcentury.

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