IGNOU EPS-06 Solved GUESS PAPER, Imp. Notes

IGNOU EPS-06 Solved Guess paper 2023-24 , EPS-06 Government & Politics in East and South East Asia Solved Guess paper 2023-24 Download Free :   EPS-06 Solved Assignment 2023-2024 , IGNOU EPS-06 Previous paper 2023-24, EPS-06 important questions 2023-24 , EPS-06 Assignment , EPS-06 Government & Politics in East and South East Asia   Solved Guess Paper 2023-24 Download Free IGNOU Assignments 2023-24- IGNOU Government & Politics in East and South East Asia   Solved Guess Paper 2023-24 Gandhi National Open University had recently uploaded the assignments of the present session for IGNOU Government & Politics in East and South East Asia   for the year 2023-24. Students are recommended to download their Assignments from this webpage itself.

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Elucidate the factors determining China’s foreign policy.

IGNOU EPS-06 Solved GUESS PAPER, – China’s foreign policy is a complex web woven from several key threads.

Economic Interests

Growth: China’s phenomenal economic rise is a major driver. They prioritize securing access to resources and markets to fuel continued growth, fostering friendly relations with trading partners.

Security Concerns

Regional Stability: A stable neighborhood is essential for China’s economic well-being. They advocate for peaceful development and good neighborliness, but can be assertive in territorial disputes.

National Identity: China sees itself as a historically significant power and a responsible world citizen. They project an image of a peaceful world leader while seeking to reshape the international order to reflect their growing influence. IGNOU EPS-06 Solved GUESS PAPER

Domestic Politics

Internal Stability: The Chinese government prioritizes maintaining domestic stability. This can influence foreign policy decisions, as unrest could be seen as a weakness on the world stage.

Leadership: The decisions of China’s central leadership, particularly President Xi Jinping, significantly impact foreign policy direction. Their vision for China’s “Great Rejuvenation” shapes their approach to the world.

International Dynamics

The US Factor: The relationship with the United States is a critical factor. Competition and occasional friction between the two superpowers influence China’s foreign policy choices.

Global Institutions: China seeks a greater role in shaping international norms and institutions, which were largely established by Western powers after World War II.

Analyse the Marcos Regime in the Philippines.

Discuss the importance of ASEAN for South-east Asian countries.

Compare and contrast the foreign policies of South Korea (ROK) and North Korea (DPRK).

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Describe the social, cultural and political traditions of the East Asian Region.

What is ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) ? Explain.

Describe the features of pro-democracy movement in Burma.

Discuss the nature of party system in Malaysia.

Examine the socio-cultural traits of South-East Asia.

Describe the reasons for the Sino-Soviet rift.

Write a note on Japanese political parties.

Discuss the dispute in the Korean Peninsula.

Examine the economic policies introduced by Singapore.

Discuss the main features of Laotian society and polity.

Analyse the role of China in the East Asian economic miracle.

Describe the salient features of Japan’s foreign policy.

Discuss the main elements of the foreign policy of South Korea.

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Describe the economic developments in South-East Asia after mid-1990s.

Trace the political developments in independent Cambodia.

Describe the ‘Four Modernizations’ in China.

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