Himachal Pradesh University Assignment

Himachal Pradesh University Assignment

Himachal Pradesh University Assignment – We Provide all university solved assignment PDF  , Himachal Pradesh University, a premier institution of teaching and research in the country, is situated at Summer Hill, a suburb of Shimla at a distance of 5 km. from the main town. It covers 200 acres of lush green land and offers a panoramic view with its distinctive architectural style. It was established in 1970 by an Act of the Himachal Pradesh Legislative Assembly. The Government of Himachal Pradesh and the University Grants Commission mainly finance it. 

Himachal Pradesh University Assignment The University has 12 Faculties and 30 Teaching Departments covering various programmes such as Management, and Vocational Studies; Commerce ; Engineering and Technology; Languages; Law; Life and Physical Sciences; Social Sciences; Ayurveda, Dental, and Medical Sciences; Information Technology, Computer Science, Performing and Visual Arts. The University also has its Academic Staff College which offers Orientation and Refresher Courses for University and college teachers. As many as two hundred seventy colleges/institutions (govt./private) from within the State are affiliated to the University in addition to Centres of Distance Education (ICDEOL), Evening Studies, Legal Studies and Regional Centre at Dharamshala.

Himachal Pradesh University Assignment Solved Assignment PDF and Handwritten Hardcopy , WhatsApp- 8130208920

Note: All the students are directed to prepare hand written assignments. Prepare each course assignments separately and Write your name, father’s name, Regn. No, exam roll no, class and name of the course on the top of every course. After preparing assignments of each course send hardcopy as well as PDF file of these assignments. Hand written Assignments can be submitted by hand or by post to the address given

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Himachal Pradesh University Assignment PG Courses Assignment

Course Name











MC 1.1 Management & Organizational Behaviour PDF File  [6.45 KB]

MC 2.1 PDF File  [(file not found)Corporate Financial Accounting PDF File  [(file not found)]

MC 3.1

Computer-Application in Business

MC 4.1 PDF File  [6.39 KBAdvanced Financial Management PDF File  [6.39 KB]

MC 1.2 PDF File  [4.68 KBBusiness Environment PDF File  [4.68 KB]

MC 2.2 PDF File  [(file not found)Financial Management PDF File  [(file not found)]

MC 3.2

Advanced Cost Accounting

MC 4.2 PDF File  [4.56 KBSecurity Analysis and Portfolio Management PDF File  [4.56 KB]

MC 1.3 Managerial Economics PDF File  [4.73 KB]

MC 2.3 PDF File  [(file not found)Human Resource Management PDF File  [(file not found)]

MC 3.3

Corporate Legal Framework

MC 4.3 PDF File  [4.8 KBProject Planning And Control PDF File  [4.8 KB]

MC 1.4 PDF File  [4.91 KBStatistical Analysis for Decision Making PDF File  [4.91 KB]

MC 2.4 PDF File  [(file not found)Marketing Management PDF File  [(file not found)]

MC 3.4

Strategic Management

MC 4.4 PDF File  [99.71 KBAccounting for Managerial Decision PDF File  [99.71 KB]

MC 1.5 PDF File  [4.3 KBTaxation Practices and Administration PDF File  [4.3 KB]

MC 2.5 PDF File  [(file not found)Financial Institutions and Markets PDF File  [(file not found)]

MC 3.5

Research Methodology

MC 4.5 PDF File  [99.67 KBE-Commerce PDF File  [99.67 KB]

4.6 Corporate Governance and Business Ethics PDF File  [99.07 KB]


Course Name







Master of Arts


Micro Economics PDF File  [64.57 KB]

Macro Economics PDF File  [203.9 KB]

Economics of Development and Planning

Indian Economy PDF File  [65.13 KB]

International Economics PDF File  [244.42 KB]

Money and Banking PDF File  [(file not found)]

History of Economic Thought

Public Finance PDF File  [128.16 KB]

Economics Elementary Mathematical PDF File  [64.52 KB]

Basic Statistics PDF File  [73.64 KB]

Agricultural Economics

Industrial Economics PDF File  [65.4 KB]



Course Name








Master of Arts English

History of English Literature from Chaucer to 1800 PDF File  [246.95 KB]

History of English Literature from Nineteenth Century to 2000 PDF File  [244.75 KB]

Literary Criticism from Aristotle to T.S. Eliot PDF File  [244 KB]

Contemporary Literary Theory PDF File  [267.25 KB]

Poetry from Chaucer to Pope PDF File  [246.95 KB]

Romantic & Victorian Poetry PDF File  [244.75 KB]

Modern British & American Poetry PDF File  [244 KB]

American Drama PDF File  [267.25 KB]

Contemporaries Shakespeare and his PDF File  [246.95 KB]

Modern Fiction PDF File  [244.75 KB]

Modern British Drama PDF File  [244 KB]

Indian Writing in English PDF File  [267.25 KB]

Ninteenth Century Fiction PDF File  [246.95 KB]

Growth and Structure of English Language  PDF File  [244.75 KB]

World Fiction PDF File  [244 KB]

Indian Writing in Translation PDF File  [267.25 KB]





Course Name







Master of Arts History

History and Histography PDF File  [920.83 KB]

History of Modern China and PDF File  [669.01 KBJapan, 1840-1950 PDF File  [669.01 KB]

History of Europe, 1870-1914 PDF File  [125.64 KB]

The Contemporary World, 1945-1991 PDF File  [503.09 KB]

Ancient Societies PDF File  [601.22 KB]

The Modern World 1919-1945 PDF File  [559.49 KB]

Post-independence History of PDF File  [302.92 KBIndia 1947-1972 PDF File  [302.92 KB]

India1750-1947 PDF File  [436.45 KBEconomic History of PDF File  [436.45 KB]

Aspects of medieval Society PDF File  [764.57 KB]

1857-1947 PDF File  [557.37 KBIndependence Struggle, PDF File  [557.37 KBHistory of the Indian PDF File  [557.37 KB]

History of India 1765-1947 PDF File  [512.55 KBInstitutional and Administrative PDF File  [512.55 KB]

Social andCultural PDF File  [557.94 KBHistory of India, PDF File  [557.94 KB]1750-1947 PDF File  [557.94 KB]

Aspects of Society and culture in early Modern Europe.c. 1450-1700 PDF File  [816.25 KB]



Course Name





instructions for assignment PDF File  [431.23 KB]

Master of Arts


Historical Study of Indian Music PDF File  [338.99 KB]

General Study of Raagas PDF File  [314.56 KBTaalas & Instruments PDF File  [314.56 KB]

General Study of Granthas & PDF File  [248.72 KBTheoretical Survey of Indian Music PDF File  [248.72 KB]

Comparative Study of Raagas, PDF File  [247.18 KBTaalas & Musical Compositions PDF File  [247.18 KB]



Course Name






Master of Arts


Classical Sociological Tradition – 1

Classical Sociological Tradition – II

Theoretical Perspectives

in Sociology-1

Theoretical Perspective in

Sociology – II

Methodology of Social Research

Perspective on Indian Society

Sociology of Development

Comparative Sociology

Social Stratification and Change

Sociology of Environment

Rural Sociology

Social Psychology

Solved Assignment PDF and Handwritten Hardcopy , WhatsApp- 8130208920

Course Name






Master of Arts

Public Administration

Administrative and Management Thinkers (Compulsory) PDF File  [430.96 KB]

Organisational Behaviour (Compulsory) PDF File  [255.49 KB]

Administrative Techniques (Compulsory)

Development Administration (Compulsory) PDF File  [255.06 KB]

Principles and Theory of Public Administration (Compulsory) PDF File  [255.93 KB]

Financial Administration (Compulsory) PDF File  [255.04 KB]

Personnel Administration in India and United Kingdom (Compulsory)

Public Policy (Compulsory) PDF File  [255.2 KB]

Research Methods (Compulsory) PDF File  [255.48 KB]

Indian Administration (Compulsory) PDF File  [254.77 KB]

Local Government in India (Compulsory)

Some Aspects of Public Administration in India PDF File  [255.12 KB]


Course Name







Master of Arts

Political Science

Western Political Thought: From Plato to Bodin PDF File  [175.35 KB]

Western Political Thought: PDF File  [181.8 KBFrom Hobbes to Marx PDF File  [181.8 KB]

Indian Political Thought

Democratic Theory

Government and Politics in India

Recent Trends in Indian Politics PDF File  [29.81 KB]

Regional Politics in India

Politics in South Asia PDF File  [55.4 KB]

Comparative Politics PDF File  [162.81 KB]

Political Analysis

Comparative Politics and

Theories of Nationalism and

Processes of Nation Building

Society, Economy and Politics of Himachal Pradesh PDF File  [175.66 KB]

International Politics PDF File  [173.25 KB(Theories, Approaches & Concepts) PDF File  [173.25 KB]

Emerging World Order PDF File  [179.24 KB]

India’s Foreign Policy and Relations.

Public International Law PDF File  [218.38 KB]


Course Name








Master of Arts


नाटक तथा काव्य PDF File  [129.76 KB]

वेद PDF File  [206.25 KB]

भाषा-विज्ञान (सिद्धान्त)

गद्य, पद्य तथा चम्पूकाव्य PDF File  [332.04 KB]

गद्यकाव्य तथा साहित्यालोचन PDF File  [129.46 KB]

निरुक्त तथा उपनिषद् PDF File  [205.85 KB]

संस्कृत भाषा की संरचना

संस्कृत साहित्य का इतिहास PDF File  [263.83 KB]

न्याय-वैशेषिक PDF File  [129.54 KB]

व्याकरण PDF File  [209.09 KB]


नाटक तथा नाट्यशास्त्र PDF File  [263.98 KB]

सांख्य तथा वेदान्त PDF File  [304.98 KB]

व्याकरण PDF File  [209.98 KB]


निबन्ध तथा अनुवाद PDF File  [513.27 KB]


Course Name





Master of Arts


मध्यकालीन काव्य PDF File  [508.84 KB]

भक्ति एवं रीति-काव्य PDF File  [796.09 KB]

भारतीय काव्यशास्त्र एवं साहित्यालोचन

छायावादोत्तर काव्य PDF File  [825.11 KB]

हिन्दी साहित्य का इतिहास (आदि, भक्ति एवं रीतिकाल) PDF File  [793.67 KB]

हिन्दी साहित्य का इतिहास (आधुनिक काल) PDF File  [820.31 KB]

              अनुवाद विज्ञान

पाश्चात्य समाक्षा सिद्धान्त PDF File  [821.77 KB]

आधुनिक हिन्दी नाटक एवं उपन्यास PDF File  [819.77 KB]

आधुनिक गद्य साहित्य PDF File  [814.4 KB]

छायावादी काव्य

अनुवाद विज्ञान : व्यावहारिक पक्ष PDF File  [804.9 KB]

भाषा विज्ञान PDF File  [804.51 KB]

हिन्दी भाषा एवं देवनागरी लिपि PDF File  [809.71 KB]

आधुनिक हिन्दी उपन्यास (दो)

समकालीन हिन्दी उपन्यास (दो) PDF File  [821.99 KB]


Course Name






Master of Arts in



Mass Communication

M JMC-101

Communication Theory

M JMC -201

Advertising and Online Promotion

M JMC -301

Communication Research

M JMC -403


M JMC-102

Modern Journalism

M JMC -202

Public Relations and Public Opinion in Digital Age

M JMC -302

Visual Communication and Design

M JMC -404

Term Paper

M JMC-103

Introduction to Multimedia Production

M JMC -203

Broadcast Journalism and Production

M JMC -303          Mobile and Social Media Journalism

M JMC -406

Constitution, Human Rights and


M JMC -104

Convergence Media

M JMC -204

Cross-Media Laws, Ethics and Development

M JMC -304

New and Old Media Management and Research

M JMC -407

Media and Society

M JMC -105

Introduction to Media and Cultural Studies

M JMC 205

Development Communication

M JMC -305

Extension and Community Media



Course Name






Master of Business Administration

MBA 101 PDF File  [172.04 KBManagement Process and Organisational Behaviour PDF File  [172.04 KB]

MBA 201

Organisational Effectiveness, Change and Organisational Development

MBA 301

Strategic Analysis

MBA 401 PDF File  [228.12 KBStrategic Management PDF File  [228.12 KB]

MBA 10 PDF File  [181.38 KB]2 Management Science – I PDF File  [181.38 KB]

MBA 202

Management Science – II

MBA 302

Management Information System

FM-02 PDF File  [240.39 KBSecurity Analysis & Investment Management PDF File  [240.39 KB]

MBA 103 PDF File  [171.09 KBManagerial Economics PDF File  [171.09 KB]

MBA 203

Human Resource Management


Indian Financial System

FM-10 PDF File  [213.05 KBProjects Planning, Analysis and Management PDF File  [213.05 KB]

MBA 104 PDF File  [191.94 KBBusiness Environment PDF File  [191.94 KB]

MBA 204

Financial Management


Advanced Financial Management

MM-02 PDF File  [235 KB]

Advertising Management PDF File  [235 KB]

MBA 105 PDF File  [179.19 KBIndian Ethos and Values PDF File  [179.19 KB]

MBA 205

Marketing Management


Marketing Research

MM-04 PDF File  [237.95 KBRural Marketing PDF File  [237.95 KB]

MBA 106 PDF File  [194.1 KBAccounting for Managers PDF File  [194.1 KB]

MBA 206

Operations Management


Strategic Marketing

HRM-02 PDF File  [235.22 KBAdvanced Industrial Psychology PDF File  [235.22 KB]

MBA 207

Research Methodology


Industrial Relations

HRM-05 PDF File  [232.16 KBStrategic Human Resource Development PDF File  [232.16 KB]


Labour Legislation: An Over View


Course Name




Diploma in Computer Application

DCA-101 Problem Solving Using C DCA-201 Computer Networks
DCA-102 Office Applications DCA-202 Internet Technology and Web Page Design
DCA-103 Computer Fundamentals DCA-203 Database Management System
  DCA-104 Operating System DCA-204 E-Commerce

Course Name




Diploma in Data Sciences

DDS-101 Fundamentals of Computer and Data Science DDS-201 Statistics for Data Science
DDS-102 Fundamentals of Programming Using C DDS-202 Data Warehousing and Mining
DDS-103 Data Structure DDS-203 Python for Data Analytics
DDS-104 Database Management System DDS-204 R for Data Analytics


Course Name

One Year Diploma


Diploma in Yoga Studies

DYS-C 101            Concept of Yoga and Its Traditional Aspects
DYS-C 102            Foundations of Hath yoga and its Practices
DYS-C 103            Human Anatomy, Physiology, Diet and Yoga Therapy

Himachal Pradesh University Assignment PDF – WhatsApp – 8130208920

Course Name




Diploma in Tourist Guide


Introduction to Tourism


Tourism Product & Destination of Himachal Pradesh


Tourism Products of India


Adventure Tourism in Himachal Pradesh


Linkage of Tour Guide with Travel Industry


Itinerary Preparation and Tour Costing

UG Courses Assignment

Assignment of Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


Year Course Course Code Course Type Course Name
        1st DSC-1A SKT-DSC-101 Core संस्कृत काव्य PDF File  [72.27 KB]
DSC-1B SKT-DSC-102 Core संस्कृत गद्यकाव्य PDF File  [63.06 KB]
Hindi/Skt/Mil-1 SKT-DSC-103 Core (B.A./B.Com.) नीति साहित्य PDF File  [88.77 KB]
AECC-II SKT-AECC-104 Core compulsory उपनिषद्, श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता तथा पाणिनीय शिक्षा PDF File  [176.46 KB]


         1st English-I ENG CE 101 Core English –I Core English (Compulsory) PDF File  [119.72 KB]
DSC-1A ENG DSC 102 (English Hons GE 101) Core/GE-1 for Honours DSC 1A English Literature –I Essays, Stories and Poems PDF File  [119.18 KB]

Eng Hons GE 102



For Honors


English Literature-2 Poems, Short Stories and essays PDF File  [120.09 KB]

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course AECC ENG AECC 104 Core Compulsory AECC-2

 Writing skills PDF File  [118.92 KB]



DSC-1A HIND 102 Core हिन्दी साहित्य का इतिहास PDF File  [77.41 KB]
DSC-1B HIND 103 Core मध्यकालीन हिन्दी कविता PDF File  [51.88 KB]
SKT/HINDI-1 HIND 101 Core (B.A./B.Com.) प्रयोजनमूलक हिन्दी PDF File  [80.79 KB]
AECC-II HIND 104 Ability enhancement Compulsory course हिन्दी भाषा और सम्प्रेषण PDF File  [73.37 KB]



DSC-1A HIST A101 Core History of India from the Earliest Times up to 300 CE PDF File  [65.62 KB]
DSC-1B HIST A102 Core History of India from c 300 to 1206 PDF File  [70.11 KB]


          1st DSC-1A MATH 101TH Core Differential Calculus PDF File  [79.62 KB]
DSC-1B MATH 102TH Core Differential Equations PDF File  [73.13 KB]


1st DSC-1A




Core Basic principles of Indian Music & Biographies of Musicians, Composers & Musicologists PDF File  [3.56 KB]


  MUSA 102 PR Practical Stage performance (Unit-II) PDF File  [3.7 KB]
DSC-1B MUSA 103TH Core Theory of Indian Music (General) & Biographies of Musicians, Composers & Musicologists PDF File  [3.61 KB]
  MUSA 104 PR Practical Viva-Voce  (Unit –II) PDF File  [3.73 KB]


1st DSC-1A POLS 101 Core Introduction to Political Theory PDF File  [58.04 KB]
DSC-1B POLS 102 Core Indian Government and Politics PDF File  [70.77 KB]


1st DSC-1A SOCL A101 Core Introduction to Sociology PDF File  [63.76 KB]
DSC-2A SOCL A102 Core Society in  India PDF File  [73.41 KB]
Public Administration
1st DSC-1A PUBA 101A Core Administrative Theory PDF File  [60.82 KB]
DSC-1B PUBA 102 A Core Indian Administration PDF File  [70.06 KB]
1st DSC-1A ECONA 101 Core Principles of Micro Economics-I PDF File  [119.25 KB]
DSC-1B ECONA 102 Core Principles of Micro Economics-II PDF File  [93.9 KB]

B.A. 2nd year Syllabus


Year Course Course Code Course Type Course Name
        2nd DSC-1C SKT-DSC-201 Core संस्कृत नाटक PDF File  [70.14 KB]
DSC-1D SKT-DSC-202 Core संस्कृत व्याकरण PDF File  [50.13 KB]
Hindi/Skt/Mil-2 SKT-DSC-203 Core (B.A./B.Com.) व्याकरण एवं संयोजन PDF File  [51.38 KB]
AEEC/SEC-I SKT-AEEC/SEC-205 Skill Enhancement Course आयुर्वेद के मूल सिद्धान्त PDF File  [41.51 KB]
AEEC/SEC-II SKT-AEEC/SEC-206 Skill Enhancement Course संस्कृत छन्द एवं गायन PDF File  [45.57 KB]


         2nd English-II ENG CE 201 Compulsory English –II English (Compulsory) PDF File  [119.66 KB]
DSC-1C ENG DSC 202 Core British Literature (Play and Novel) PDF File  [119.51 KB]
DSC-1D ENG DSC 203 Core


Literary Cross Currents PDF File  [119.13 KB]
AEEC/SEC-I ENG AEEC/SEC 204 Skill Enhancement Course Creative Writing, Book and MediaReviews PDF File  [260.38 KB]
AEEC/SEC-II ENG AEEC/SEC 205 Skill Enhancement Course Translation Studies and Principles of Translation (Basic Concepts and Readings) PDF File  [120.7 KB]



DSC-1C HIND 202 Core आधुनिक हिन्दी कविता PDF File  [69.11 KB]
DSC-1D HIND 203 Core हिन्दी गद्य साहित्य PDF File  [77.54 KB]
SKT/HINDI-2 HIND 201 Core (B.A./B.Com.) अनिवार्य हिन्दी PDF File  [81.01 KB]

  ‘रचना पुंज’ PDF File  [81.01 KB]



HIND 205

Skill Enhancement Course कार्यालयी हिन्दी अथवा हिन्दी भाषा शिक्षण PDF File  [71.62 KB]


HIND 207

Skill Enhancement Course अनुवाद विज्ञान  अथवा संभाषण कला PDF File  [199.61 KB]



DSC-1C HIST(A) 203 Core History of C. 1206-1707 PDF File  [67.54 KB]
DSC-1D HIST (A) 204 Core History of India C. 1707 – 1950 PDF File  [81.9 KB]
SEC-I HIST (A) 213 Skill Enhancement Course Historical Tourism PDF File  [67.35 KB]
SEC-II HIST (A) 215 Skill Enhancement Course An Introduction to Archaeology PDF File  [85.16 KB]


          2nd DSC-1C MATH 201TH Core Real Analysis PDF File  [132.05 KB]
DSC-1D MATH 202TH Core Algebra PDF File  [94.38 KB]
SEC-I MATH 309TH Skill Enhancement Course Integral Calculus PDF File  [83.7 KB]
SEC-II MATH 310TH Skill Enhancement Course Vector Calculus PDF File  [82.8 KB]


2nd DSC-1C MUSA 201TH Core  Ancient Granthas & Contributions of Musicologists PDF File  [3.76 KB]
DSC-2C MUSA 202 PR Practical  Stage performance PDF File  [3.77 KB]
DSC-1D MUSA 203TH Core


 Medieval Granthas & Contributions of Musicians PDF File  [3.78 KB]
MUSA 204  Viva-Voce PDF File  [3.88 KB]
SEC-I MUSA 205PR    Value Based & Practical Oriented Course for Hindustani   Music (Vocal/Inst.) Presentation & Documentation-I PDF File  [3.41 KB]
SEC-II MUSA 206PR    Value Based & Practical Oriented Course for Hindustani   Music (Vocal/Inst.) Presentation & Documentation-II PDF File  [3.58 KB]




DSC-1C POLS 201 Core Comparative Government & Politics PDF File  [79.17 KB]
DSC-1D POLS 202 Core Introduction to International Relations PDF File  [176.29 KB]
SEC-I POLS 203 Skill Enhancement Course Legislative Support PDF File  [82.83 KB]
SEC-II POLS 204 Skill Enhancement Course Public Opinion & Survey Research PDF File  [97.6 KB]


2nd DSC-1C SOCL-A 201 Core Sociological Theories PDF File  [46.86 KB]
DSC-1D   Core  
DSC-2C SOCL-A 202 Core Methods of Sociological Enquiry PDF File  [28.92 KB]
DSC-2D   Core  
SEC-I SOCL-A 203 Skill Enhancement Course Techniques of Social Research PDF File  [48.96 KB]
SEC-II SOCL-A 204 Skill Enhancement Course Sociology of Environment PDF File  [52.26 KB]
Public Administration
2nd DSC-1C PUBA 201A Core Administrative Thinkers PDF File  [86.2 KB]
DSC-1D PUBA 202 A Core Development Administrative PDF File  [80.29 KB]
SEC-IA PUBA 203A Skill Enhancement Course Computer Application & Office Management PDF File  [73.86 KB]
SEC-IIB PUBA 204 A Skill Enhancement Course Human Resource & Logistic Management PDF File  [72.42 KB]
2nd DSC-1C ECONA 201 Core Principles of Macroeconomics-I PDF File  [75.27 KB]
DSC-1D ECONA 202 Core Principles of Macroeconomics-II PDF File  [92.32 KB]
SEC-I ECONA 203 Skill Enhancement Course Statistical Methods -I PDF File  [135.61 KB]
SEC-II ECONA 205 Skill Enhancement Course Statistical Methods -II PDF File  [183.96 KB]

                                                                                                    B.A. 3rd year Syllabus


Year Course Course Code Course Type Course Name
        3rd DSE-1A SKT-DSE-301 Specific Elective व्यक्तित्व विकास का भारतीय दृष्टिकोण
DSE-1B SKT-DSE-302 Specific Elective साहित्यिक समालोचना
AEEC/SEC-III SKT-AEEC/SEC-305 Skill Enhancement Course भारतीय रंगशाला
AEEC/SEC-IV SKT-AEEC/SEC-306 Skill Enhancement Course भारतीय वास्तुशास्त्र


3rd DSE-1A ENG DSE 303 Specific Elective Soft Skills PDF File  [9.83 KB]
DSE-1B ENG DSE 304 Specific Elective  Academic Writing & Composition PDF File  [151.76 KB]
AEEC/SEC-III ENG AEEC/SEC 301 Skill Enhancement Course Technical Writing PDF File  [9.32 KB]
AEEC/SEC-IV ENG AEEC/SEC 302 Skill Enhancement Course Business Communication PDF File  [9.65 KB]



DSE-1A HIND 305 Specific Elective लोक साहित्य
DSE-1B HIND 306 Specific Elective छायावादोत्तर हिन्दी कविता


Skill Enhancement Course रंग आलेख एवं रंगमंच
SEC-IV HIND 304 Skill Enhancement Course समाचार संकलन और लेखन



DSE-1A HIST(A) 305 Specific Elective Modern and Contemporary World History-I : 1871-1919 PDF File  [250.59 KB]
DSE-1B HIST (A) 307 Specific Elective Modern and Contemporary World History-I : 1919-1992 PDF File  [251.31 KB]
SEC-III HIST (A) 317 Skill Enhancement Course Indian History & Culture PDF File  [201.64 KB]
SEC-IV HIST (A) 320 Skill Enhancement Course Understanding Popular Culture PDF File  [253.07 KB]
GE-I HIST (A) 309 Generic Elective Women in Indian History PDF File  [278.8 KB]
GE-II HIST (A) 312 Generic Elective History of Himachal Pradesh : 1815-1972 PDF File  [237.92 KB]


          3rd DSE-1A MATH 303TH Specific Elective Linear Algebra
DSE-1B MATH 304TH Specific Elective Numerical Methods
SEC-III MATH 313TH Skill Enhancement Course Probability & Statistics
SEC-IV MATH 317TH Skill Enhancement Course Transportation & Game Theory


3rd DSC-1C MUSA 201TH Core Ancient Granthas & Contributions of Musicologists
DSC-2C MUSA 202 PR Practical Stage performance
DSC-1D MUSA 203TH Core Medieval Granthas & Contributions of Musicians
SEC-I MUSA 205PR   Value Based & Practical Oriented Course for Hindustani Music (Vocal/Inst.) Presentation & Documentation-I
SEC-II MUSA 206PR   Value Based & Practical Oriented Course for Hindustani Music (Vocal/Inst.) Presentation & Documentation-II


3rd DSE-1A POLS 301 (A) Specific Elective Themes in Comparative Political Theory
DSE-1B POLS 302 (A) Specific Elective Democracy & Governance
SEC-III POLS 303 Skill Enhancement Course Democratic Awareness through Legal Literacy
SEC-IV POLS 304 Skill Enhancement Course Conflict & Peace
Building PDF File
  [239.57 KB]
GE-I POLS 305 Generic Elective Society, Economy & Politics in Himachal Pradesh PDF File  [245.43 KB]
GE-II POLS 306 Generic Elective Human Rights, Gender and Environment PDF File  [293.58 KB]


3rd DSE-1A SOCL-A 304 Specific Elective Marriage, Family & Kinship
DSC-2A SOCL-A 305 Specific Elective Social Stratification
SEC-III SOCL-A 301 Skill Enhancement Course Social Demography
SEC-IV SOCL-A 302 Skill Enhancement Course Theory & Practice of Development
GE-I SOCL-A 307 Generic Elective Polity & Society in India
GE-II SOCL-A 308 Generic Elective Economy & Society
Public Administration
3rd DSE-1A PUBA 303A Specific Elective Local Governance IA
DSE-1B PUBA 306 A Specific Elective Financial Administration
SEC-III C PUBA 301A Skill Enhancement Course Leadership Styles & Conflict Management
SEC-IVD PUBA 302 A Skill Enhancement Course Stress & Time Management
3rd DSE-1 ECONA 301 Specific Elective Indian Economy
DSE-6 ECONA 306 Specific Elective International Economics
SEC-6 ECONA 310 Skill Enhancement Course Public Finance
SEC-7 ECONA 311 Skill Enhancement Course Money & Banking


Assignment of Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com)

Course No.

Course Title

Course Type


  Environmental Studies Ability-Enhancement                Compulsory Course (AECC)-1
BC 1.1 Financial Accounting Core Course C-1                                    PDF File  [155.67 KB]
BC 1.2 Business Organization and Management Core Course C-2                                    PDF File  [155.67 KB]
  English – 1 Core English (Compulsory for B.A./B.Com) Core Course C-3                                  
  Language: English/Hindi/Modern Indian Language Ability-Enhancement               Compulsory Course  (AECC)-2                                             
BC 1.3 Business Law Core Course C-4                                   PDF File  [155.67 KB]
BC 1.4 Business Statistics and Mathematics Core Course C-5                                   PDF File  [155.67 KB]
  Hindi-I / Modern Indian Language Core Course C-6                                 


BC 2.1 Company Law Core Course C-7                                   PDF File  [51.93 KB]
BC 2.2 Income Tax Law and Practice Core Course C-8                                   PDF File  [51.93 KB]
  English-II Core Course C-9                                     
BC 2.3 Computer Applications in Business Skill-Enhancement Elective Course     (SEC)-1                                                   PDF File  [51.93 KB]
HIND 201 Hindi-II Core CourseC-10                                 
BC 2.4 Corporate Accounting Core Course C-11                                  PDF File  [51.93 KB]
BC 2.5 Cost Accounting Core Course C-12                                  PDF File  [51.93 KB]
BC 2.6 E-Commerce Skill-Enhancement Elective Course (SEC)-2                                                  PDF File  [51.93 KB]

Year- III

  Any one of the following

BC 3.1(a) Human Resource Management

BC 3.1(c) Fundamentals of Financial Management

Discipline Specific Elective (DSE)-1 
  Any one of the following

BC 3.2(a) Corporate Governance and Auditing

BC 3.2(b) Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Discipline-Specific Elective (DSE)-2  
BC 3.3 Entrepreneurship Skill-Enhancement Elective Course (SEC)-3                                                 
ECONA 313 Economy of Himachal Pradesh Generic Elective (GE)-1                     
BC 3.5 (c) Management Accounting Discipline Specific Elective (DSE)-3   
BC 3.6 (b) Office Management and Secretarial Practice Discipline Specific Elective (DSE)-4   
BC 3.7 Personal Selling and Salesmanship Skill-Enhancement Elective Course (SEC)-4                                                    
ECONA 314 Indian Economy Generic Elective (GE)-2                     

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