ECO-01 BUSINESS ORGANISATION Solved Assignment 2022-23

ECO-01 BUSINESS ORGANISATION Solved Assignment 2022-23 BRL-101 Solved Assignment 2022-2023BRL-102 Solved Assignment 2022-2023BRL-103 Solved Assignment 2022-2023BRL-104 Solved Assignment 2022-2023  Assignment is given 30% weightage in the final assessment. To be eligible to appear in the Term-end examination, it is compulsory for you to submit the assignment as per the schedule. Before attempting the assignments, you should carefully read the instructions given in the Programme Guide.

  1. Those students who are appearing in December 2022 exams. They should download the assignment and submit the same latest by 15th October 2022.
  2. Those students who are appearing in June 2023 Term End Examination they have to submit the assignment latest by in 15th March 2023

ECO-01 BUSINESS ORGANISATION Solved Assignment 2022-23

Attempt all the questions.

  1. What are the essential features of business? List different objectives of business.
  2. What is capital structure? Describe factors that determine the capital structure.
  3. Discuss various arguments in support of and against advertising.
  4. Discuss the pervasiveness of risk in business. Describe briefly the management of business risks.
  5. Comment briefly on the following statements:

(a) An entrepreneur is a good judge of which products will sell.

(b) Stock exchange plays a very important role in the economic development of a country.

(c) There are various reasons of the government participating in business.

(d) The government company form of organization suffers from certain limitations.

Can I get good grades if I get solved assignments?

Yes, getting the Solved Assignment can help you get good grades because it contains the answers to the questions asked in the assignment and will help you understand the concepts better and score higher.

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