Comment on Lacan’s main contribution to critical theory.

Comment on Lacan’s main contribution to critical theory. Following his description of the Mirror Stage, Lacan made a profound leap. He postulated that the child’s false perception of self in the mirror is characteristic of one of the three so-called registers, or orders, in which human beings experience the world. He called this first register … Read more

What does I. A. Richards talk about in Practical Criticism.

What does I. A. Richards talk about in Practical Criticism. Practical criticism is, like the formal study of English literature itself, a relatively young discipline. It began in the 1920s with a series of experiments by the Cambridge critic I.A. Richards. He gave poems to students without any information about who wrote them or when … Read more

What do Wordsworth and Coleridge have to say on lyrical diction.

What do Wordsworth and Coleridge have to say on lyrical diction. Wordsworth maintains that the language of poetry is selection of the real language of men. Coleridge argues that everyone’s language varies according to the extent of his knowledge, the conditioning of his faculties and the depth and swiftness of his passions. Every man’s language … Read more

Discuss Aristotle’s view of literature as imitation.

Discuss Aristotle’s view of literature as imitation. According to Aristotle, the pleasure derived from imitation is in knowing what an imitation aims to represent. Aristotle’s view of literature. For Aristotle, imitation is not a question of good or bad, as it is for Plato; imitation, and therefore the creation of art and poetry, is simply … Read more

What do you suppose is the part of English vis- à- vis the Indian languages in ultramodern India.

What do you suppose is the part of English vis- à- vis the Indian languages in ultramodern India. English is a extensively spoken language in the current script.. English is used in the contact system with the outside world in India. This is also used for commerce between countries and intrastate. India has great ethnical … Read more

Do you agree with the ‘ one language one community ’ proposition. What other factors, piecemeal from language, may determine one’s identification with a speech community.

Do you agree with the ‘ one language one community ’ proposition. What other factors, piecemeal from language, may determine one’s identification with a speech community. A speech community is a group of people who partake rules for conducting and interpreting at least one variety of a language or shoptalk. The term can be applied … Read more

Why is language planning essential in any country. What are the factors which influence language planning.

Why is language planning essential in any country. What are the factors which influence language planning. Many countries have a language policy designed to favor or discourage the use of a particular language or set of languages. Although nations historically have used language policies most often to promote one official language at the expense of others, many countries now have policies … Read more

Discuss the description and classification of Consonants and Vowels.

Discuss the description and classification of Consonants and Vowels. Producing a consonant involves making the vocal tract narrower at some location than it usually is. We call this narrowing a constriction. Which consonant you’re pronouncing depends on where in the vocal tract the constriction is and how narrow it is. It also depends on a … Read more

Write short notes on the following  (i) Borrowings  (ii) Langue and Parole

Write short notes on the following  (i) Borrowings  (ii) Langue and Parole Borrowings In linguistics, borrowing (also known as lexical borrowing) is the process by which a word from one language is adapted for use in another. The word that is borrowed is called a borrowing, a borrowed word, or a loanword. The English language has been described by David Crystal as an “insatiable borrower.” … Read more

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