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BPSE 146 Solved Assignment 2023-24: FBPSE 146 CONFLICT RESOLUTION AND PAECE BUILDING Solved Assignment 2023-24REE BPSE 146 Solved Assignment 2023-24, students can directly done their assignment by simply take reference through our free ignou service. BPSE 146 Free solved assignment available here.

Course Code: BPSE 146

Assignment Code: BPSE 146 ASST/TMA/2023-24

Marks: 100

Assignment – I

Answer the following in about 500 words each.

1. Trace the life cycle of a conflict.

A conflict, whether it’s at an interpersonal, societal, or international level, generally passes through several stages in what is termed as its “life cycle”. It is important to understand that this cycle is not a rigid or linear process but can fluctuate based on multiple variables.

Latent Conflict: In this initial stage, the sources of conflict exist, but those involved may not be fully aware of them. These could include economic disparity, social inequality, or political repression. The tensions are underlying, and no outright conflict has yet occurred. The situation appears calm on the surface, but potential triggers are present.

Emergence: During this phase, the parties become aware of the conflict. The issues or differences that were latent now become overt. Disputes may begin to surface, and the parties might start articulating their interests, needs, or demands, which can lead to agitation and escalation of tensions. Communication between parties may become strained or break down completely.

Escalation: This is a critical stage of conflict where disagreements become more intense. The parties become more entrenched in their positions, leading to a rise in hostility. The conflict can escalate in various ways – in the number of parties involved, the issues that are included, or the tactics used. It can manifest as a full-blown war in international conflicts, strike actions in labor disputes, or deep-seated resentment in interpersonal conflicts. At this stage, the cost of conflict becomes increasingly apparent, both in terms of human suffering and resource expenditure.

Stalemate or Crisis: After escalation, the conflict reaches a stalemate or crisis point. Both parties might be exhausted by the conflict and may begin to realize that they cannot win by merely continuing their current strategy. This stage often opens the door for negotiation or intervention as the parties may start looking for a way out of the conflict.

De-escalation/Negotiation: During this phase, the parties start moving towards resolving the conflict. They begin to explore options, often with the help of mediators or third-party negotiators. The focus shifts from adversarial positions to shared interests. This is often accompanied by confidence-building measures to establish trust.

Settlement/Resolution: In this stage, the parties reach an agreement that adequately addresses their interests or needs. This could be a peace treaty in the case of international conflicts, an agreement or contract in labor disputes, or a personal apology in interpersonal conflicts. It marks the formal end of the conflict, but the resolution must be implemented and monitored to ensure it is sustainable.

Post-Conflict Peacebuilding/Reconciliation: This final stage involves rebuilding and healing the relationship between the conflicting parties. It may require addressing the root causes of the conflict, implementing social or economic reforms, and promoting reconciliation and healing. The aim is to prevent the recurrence of conflict and build a lasting peace.

It’s important to note that a conflict can cycle back to earlier stages, especially if the root causes aren’t adequately addressed or if the settlement isn’t properly implemented or upheld. Hence, conflict resolution requires comprehensive and sustained efforts at every stage of the conflict life cycle.

2. Write a note on sources of conflict –II.

Assignment – II

Answer the following questions in about 250 words each.

1. Examine Quincy Wrights classification of types and levels of conflict.

2. What is social identity theory of conflict? Explain.

3. Write a note on conflict management.

Assignment – III

Answer the following questions in about 100 words each.

1. Civil society and conflict resolution

2. Role of UN in promotion of world peace

3. Negative and Positive peace 

4. Peace –building 

5. Meaning of post–conflict re–construction and rehabilitation

BPSE 146 Handwritten Assignment 2023-24

We provide handwritten PDF and Hardcopy to our IGNOU and other university students. There are several types of handwritten assignment we provide all Over India. We are genuinely work in this field for so many time. You can get your assignment done – 8130208920

Important Note – You may be aware that you need to submit your assignments before you can appear for the Term End Exams. Please remember to keep a copy of your completed assignment, just in case the one you submitted is lost in transit.

Submission Date :

  • 31st March 2023 (if enrolled in the July 2023-24 Session)
  • 30th Sept, 2023 (if enrolled in the January 2023-24 session).

IGNOU Instructions for the BPSE 146 Assignments

BPSE 146 CONFLICT RESOLUTION AND PAECE BUILDING Assignment 2023-24 Before attempting the assignment, please read the following instructions carefully.

  1. Read the detailed instructions about the assignment given in the Handbook and Programme Guide.
  2. Write the course title, assignment number and the name of the study centre you are attached to in the centre of the first page of your response sheet(s).
  3. Use only foolscap size paper for your response and tag all the pages carefully
  4. Write the relevant question number with each answer.
  5. You should write in your own handwriting.

GUIDELINES FOR IGNOU Assignments 2023-24

You will find it useful to keep the following points in mind:

  1. Planning: Read the questions carefully. Go through the units on which they are based. Make some points regarding each question and then rearrange these in a STATISTICS IN PSYCHOLOGYal order. And please write the answers in your own words. Do not reproduce passages from the units.
  2. Organisation: Be a little more selective and analytic before drawing up a rough outline of your answer. In an essay-type question, give adequate attention to your introduction and conclusion. The introduction must offer your brief interpretation of the question and how you propose to develop it. The conclusion must summarise your response to the question. In the course of your answer, you may like to make references to other texts or critics as this will add some depth to your analysis.
  3. Presentation:Once you are satisfied with your answers, you can write down the final version for submission, writing each answer neatly and underlining the points you wish to emphasize.

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IGNOU Assignment Front Page

The top of the first page of your response sheet should look like this: Get IGNOU Assignment Front page through. And Attach on front page of your assignment. Students need to compulsory attach the front page in at the beginning of their handwritten assignment.

ENROLMENT NO: ……………………………

NAME: ……………………………………………

ADDRESS: ………………………………………

COURSE TITLE: …………………………………

ASSIGNMENT NO: ……………………………

STUDY CENTRE: ………………………………

DATE: ……………………………………………

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We provide handwritten PDF and Hardcopy to our IGNOU and other university students. There are several types of handwritten assignment we provide all Over India. We are genuinely work in this field for so many time. You can get your assignment done – 8130208920

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