B.A. Prog Sanskrit SEM. 4th Dharmashastra Studies Imp Questions Answers

B.A. Prog Sanskrit SEM. 4th Dharmashastra Studies Imp Questions Answers- Dharmashastra, also known as Dharma Sastra, is one of the six Vedangas, or auxiliary branches of the Vedas, the ancient scriptures of Hinduism. It deals with the religious and moral laws that govern Hindu society.
1. Apastamba Dharmasutra
2. Boudhayana Dharmasutra
3. Vasstha Dharmasutra
4. Manu Smriti
5. Yajynavalkya Smriti
6. Narada Smriti
7. Kautilyrthashastra
8. Mitakshra Commentary on Yajyavalkya Smriti
9. Viramitrodaya
10. Vyavaharamayukha
11. Smritichandrika
12. Ramayana
13. Mahabharata

B.A. Prog Sanskrit SEM. 4th Dharmashastra Studies Detailed Syllabus

Module 1: Introduction to Dharmashastra

  • Definition and scope of Dharmashastra
  • Historical development of Dharmashastra
  • Sources of Dharmashastra
  • Relationship between Dharmashastra and other disciplines

Module 2: Fundamental Concepts of Dharmashastra

  • The concept of dharma
  • The concept of varna
  • The concept of ashrama
  • The concept of jati

Module 3: Ethical and Moral Principles of Dharmashastra

  • The concept of rita
  • The concept of nishkama karma
  • The concept of ahimsa
  • The concept of satya

Module 4: Application of Dharmashastra in Family Law

  • Marriage and divorce
  • Adoption and inheritance
  • Property rights of women
  • Guardianship and maintenance

Module 5: Application of Dharmashastra in Property Law

  • Acquisition and ownership of property
  • Alienation of property
  • Debts and contracts
  • Land and tenancy

Module 6: Application of Dharmashastra in Criminal Law

  • Classification of offenses
  • Punishment and sentencing
  • Criminal procedure
  • Judicial administration

Module 7: Application of Dharmashastra in Ritual Law

  • Samskaras (life-cycle rituals)
  • Sraddha (ancestor worship)
  • Yajnas (sacrifices)
  • Festivals and holidays

Course Objectives

  • To introduce students to the fundamental concepts and principles of Dharmashastra, the ancient Hindu legal system. B.A. Prog Sanskrit SEM. 4th Dharmashastra Studies Imp Questions Answers
  • To explore the historical development of Dharmashastra and its role in shaping Indian society and culture.
  • To examine the various sources of Dharmashastra, including the Dharmasutras, Dharmashastras, and Smritis. B.A. Prog Sanskrit SEM. 4th Dharmashastra Studies Imp Questions Answers
  • To analyze the key concepts of Dharmashastra, such as dharma, varna, ashrama, and jati.
  • To discuss the ethical and moral principles enshrined in Dharmashastra.
  • To examine the application of Dharmashastra in various aspects of life, such as family law, property law, criminal law, and ritual law.

SPECIFIC CORE COURSE DSC-7: Dharmashastra Studies 

Course title
& Code
Credits Lecture Tutorial Practical/Practice Eligibility
of the
(Discipline A-4)
04 3 1 0 Semester
II Passed
of Sanskrit


धर्मशास्त्रानुसारं चत्वारः पुरुषार्थाः (जीवनस्य उद्देश्याः) के सन्ति? तेषां महत्त्वं व्याख्यातव्यम्।

धर्मशास्त्रे वर्णस्य (सामाजिकक्रमस्य) आश्रमस्य च (जीवनस्य चरणानां) अवधारणायाः चर्चां कुर्वन्तु।

धर्मशास्त्राणि समाजे विभिन्नव्यक्तिनां कर्तव्यानि उत्तरदायित्वं च कथं परिभाषयन्ति, नियमयन्ति च?

धर्मशास्त्रस्य विविधाः स्रोताः के के सन्ति ? तेषां सापेक्षिकं महत्त्वं चर्चां कुरुत।

विभिन्नेषु धर्मशास्त्रेषु कालान्तरेण धर्मसंकल्पना कथं विकसिता?

मनुस्मृतेः ऐतिहासिकसन्दर्भं प्रमुखविशेषतां च संक्षेपेण व्याख्यातव्यम्।

याज्ञवल्क्यस्मृतौ यथा उल्लिखिता दण्डस्य अपराधस्य च अवधारणायाः चर्चां कुर्वन्तु।

नारदस्मृतिः समाजे स्त्रियाः भूमिकां कथं सम्बोधयति ?

मनुस्मृति-अर्थशास्त्रेषु प्रस्तुतानां धर्मोपचाराणां तुलनां विपरीततां च कुरुत।

धर्मशास्त्रात् विशिष्टस्य केस-अध्ययनस्य विश्लेषणं कृत्वा धर्मस्य अवगमनाय तस्य निहितार्थानां चर्चां कुर्वन्तु।

धर्मशास्त्रग्रन्थेषु प्रयुक्तानां प्रमुखसंस्कृतपदानां व्याकरणसंरचना अर्थं च व्याख्यातव्यम्।

धर्मशास्त्रग्रन्थेषु उपमा वा उपमा इत्यादीनां अलंकारस्य प्रयोगस्य परिचयं कृत्वा चर्चां कुर्वन्तु।

धर्मशास्त्रसम्बद्धविषये संस्कृते लघुनिबन्धं लिखत।

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