IGNOU EPS-07 Solved GUESS PAPER, Imp. Notes

IGNOU EPS-07 Solved Guess paper 2023-24 , EPS-07 International Relations Solved Guess paper 2023-24 Download Free :   EPS-07 Solved Assignment 2023-2024 , IGNOU EPS-07 Previous paper 2023-24, EPS-07 important questions 2023-24 , EPS-07 Assignment , EPS-07 International Relations  Solved Guess Paper 2023-24 Download Free IGNOU Assignments 2023-24- IGNOU International Relations   Solved Guess Paper 2023-24 Gandhi National Open University had recently uploaded the assignments of the present session for IGNOU International Relations   for the year 2023-24. Students are recommended to download their Assignments from this webpage itself.

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Analyse the impact of the First World War on international relations.

IGNOU EPS-07 Solved GUESS PAPER – The First World War left a devastating mark on international relations, fundamentally reshaping the global order in several ways.

Shattered Empires and New Nations: The war dismantled the Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman, and Russian empires, leading to the creation of new nation-states in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. This redrawing of the map introduced new political players and potential conflicts over borders and ethnicities. IGNOU EPS-07 Solved GUESS PAPER

Rise of the United States: The US emerged as a major world power after intervening in 1917. Though initially hesitant towards global involvement, the war thrust them onto the international stage. This shift in power dynamics created a new balance that would be further tested in the following decades.

Disillusionment with Pre-War Alliances: The pre-war system of alliances, designed to maintain peace through deterrence, ultimately failed and contributed to the war’s escalation. This shattered trust in traditional diplomatic structures and fueled a search for new ways to manage international relations. IGNOU EPS-07 Solved GUESS PAPER

Rise of New Ideologies: The war discredited traditional European dominance and fueled the rise of new ideologies. Communism gained traction in Russia, while fascism took root in Italy and Germany, partly fueled by resentment over the Treaty of Versailles. These ideologies would shape future conflicts.

Emergence of International Organizations: In an attempt to prevent future wars, the League of Nations was formed. While ultimately unsuccessful, it marked the first serious attempt at creating a global body to address international disputes peacefully.

Global Economic Interdependence: The war’s financial burden entangled European economies and highlighted the interconnectedness of the global system. This interdependence, however, also created vulnerabilities as economic problems in one nation could easily cascade to others.

How has the state system evolved over the centuries ? Explain.

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Describe the essential features of the neo-realist approach to international relations.

How important is security in the nuclear age ? Explain.

Briefly describe the tangible and intangible elements of power.

The nuclear arms race is different from all previous arms races. Comment.

What do you mean by Imperialism ? Elaborate.

What is globalisation ? Examine the important institutions that govern the global economy.

How is nuclear arms race different from previous arms race ? Elaborate.

What are the factors contributing to arms race in South Asia ? Elaborate.

Discuss the factors that led to the collapse of the Socialist bloc.

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What is sustainable human development ? Explain.

Describe the major goals and achievements of the Non-aligned Movement.

Why are UN reforms necessary ? Discuss.

How were International Relations conducted before World War II ? Elaborate.

Why did the developing countries call for a New Information Order ? What are the features of the present information order ?

Describe the major proposals on the restructuring and reforming of the United Nations.

What is ethno-nationalism ? What are the causes for ethno-national conflicts ?

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Examine the concept of power. What are the key elements of power in international relations ?

Critically analyse the features of the developing world states.


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