Class 12th The Last Lesson Important Question Answer

Class 12th The Last Lesson Important Question Answer – Alphonse Daudet (1840-1897) was a French novelist and short-story writer. The Last Lesson is set in the days of the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) in which France was defeated by Prussia led by Bismarck

Alphonse Daudet (1840-1897) was a French novelist
and short-story writer.


Chapter 1: The Last Lesson

Class 12th The Last Lesson Important Question Answer – The Last Lesson” by Alphonse Daudet. A poignant tale set in the backdrop of the Franco-Prussian War, it recounts the day a French village school is forced to hold its final lesson in French before the Prussians take over and German becomes the mandatory language.

The story is narrated by Franz, a young boy who, like many of his classmates, takes his French lessons for granted. But on this day, everything feels different. The usually bustling schoolhouse is eerily quiet, and a heavy pall of sadness hangs over everyone. M. Hamel, the beloved French teacher, delivers his lesson with a newfound passion, his voice thick with emotion.

Franz, for the first time, truly appreciates the beauty and richness of his own language. He understands the gravity of the situation – the imminent loss of their cultural identity and heritage. His regret for past neglect turns into a desperate desire to learn everything he can, to soak up every word M. Hamel utters.

The villagers, too, gather in the classroom, their faces etched with sorrow and defiance. They listen intently, not just to the lesson, but also to the unspoken message of resistance and cultural pride that M. Hamel conveys.

The climax of the story arrives when M. Hamel writes on the blackboard, in bold, clear letters: “Vive la France!” It is a final act of defiance, a rallying cry that resonates through the hearts of everyone present.

“The Last Lesson” is a timeless story about the importance of language, culture, and identity. It reminds us that these things are precious and worth fighting for, even in the face of adversity. It is a story that will stay with you long after you finish reading it.

Q:- What changes did the order from Berlin cause in school that day?

The order from Berlin had a profound impact on the atmosphere and dynamics within the school that day. The news brought an unexpected twist, altering the course of the usual routine and leaving an indelible mark on the students and teachers alike.

As the announcement reverberated through the corridors, a sense of tension and unease swept across the school. The teachers exchanged worried glances, and the students, who had been anticipating a day of celebration, now found themselves caught in the midst of uncertainty. Class 12th The Last Lesson Important Question Answer 

  1. Emotional Tension: The news from Berlin cast a shadow over the celebratory mood that had been building up. The initial excitement and nostalgia surrounding the last lesson were overshadowed by a collective sense of concern and anxiety. Students and teachers grappled with the implications of the order. Class 12th The Last Lesson Important Question Answer 
  2. Uncertainty about Graduation: The order likely raised questions about the upcoming graduation ceremony. Students who had been looking forward to the culmination of their academic journey now faced uncertainty about the timing and nature of the graduation event. The usual plans and preparations were suddenly thrown into disarray.
  3. Discussions and Speculation: In the classrooms and hallways, discussions and speculation about the order were rampant. Students sought information from teachers, and teachers themselves were trying to make sense of the situation. The usual focus on the last lesson was diverted towards understanding the implications of the order and what it meant for the immediate future.
  4. Impact on the Last Lesson: Mr. Anderson, who had intended to impart final words of wisdom and inspiration, had to adapt his message to address the unfolding situation. The last lesson, instead of being solely about reflection and guidance, became a platform for reassurance and encouragement in the face of uncertainty.
  5. Changes to Graduation Plans: Depending on the nature of the order, the school might have had to make swift adjustments to the graduation plans. Venue changes, alterations to the ceremony format, or even potential cancellations could have been on the table, leaving both students and their families grappling with unexpected changes.

In essence, the order from Berlin injected an unexpected element of tension and uncertainty into what was supposed to be a day of reflection and celebration. The school community had to navigate these changes on the fly, adding a layer of complexity to the already emotional and significant occasion.

Q:- How did Franz’s feelings about  M. Hamel and school change?

Franz’s feelings about M. Hamel and school underwent a significant transformation as a result of the events that unfolded on that particular day in the story “The Last Lesson” by Alphonse Daudet. At the beginning of the narrative, Franz’s sentiments toward M. Hamel and school were relatively indifferent, perhaps even tinged with a sense of complacency.

  1. Initial Indifference: Franz, like many students, had taken his lessons and his teacher, M. Hamel, for granted. He approached school with a certain nonchalance, not fully appreciating the value of education and the dedication of his teacher.
  2. Awakening to the Importance of School: The announcement that it would be the last lesson taught in French by M. Hamel due to the new Prussian rule marked a turning point. Franz suddenly became acutely aware of the significance of the school, his education, and the role of M. Hamel in shaping his understanding of the world. The impending loss made Franz realize how much he had underestimated the value of his education. Class 12th The Last Lesson Important Question Answer 
  3. Regret and Remorse: As M. Hamel passionately taught the final lesson, emphasizing the importance of one’s language and culture, Franz felt a growing sense of regret. He wished he had paid more attention in class and appreciated the teachings of M. Hamel earlier. The impending loss of the familiar routine and the French language made Franz acutely aware of what he was about to lose.
  4. Respect and Admiration for M. Hamel: Franz’s perception of M. Hamel underwent a transformation from a distant authority figure to a respected mentor. He began to see the teacher not just as an enforcer of rules but as someone genuinely passionate about imparting knowledge. The realization that M. Hamel cared deeply about his students and their education left a lasting impact on Franz.
  5. Understanding the Importance of Language and Culture: M. Hamel’s final lesson, delivered with emotion and sincerity, instilled in Franz a newfound understanding of the importance of language and culture. Franz grasped the significance of his French heritage and regretted not having embraced it sooner.

In essence, Franz’s feelings evolved from a state of indifference and complacency to a profound realization of the value of education, the dedication of his teacher, and the importance of preserving one’s language and culture. The imminent loss of these aspects heightened the emotional impact on Franz and left him with a sense of remorse and a deeper appreciation for the role of education in shaping one’s identity.

Q:- Write a notice for your school bulletin board. Your notice could be an announcement of a forthcoming event, or a requirement to be fulfilled, or a rule to be followed.

Notice: School Clean-Up Day

Dear Students and Staff,

We are excited to announce our upcoming School Clean-Up Day scheduled for [Date]. This event is an opportunity for our school community to come together and contribute to maintaining a clean and vibrant learning environment. Class 12th The Last Lesson Important Question Answer 


  • Date: [Date]
  • Time: [Start Time] to [End Time]
  • Meeting Point: [Designated Area]


  1. Grounds Beautification: We will be focusing on cleaning up the school grounds, including the courtyard, garden areas, and sports fields. Please bring gardening gloves and any necessary tools if possible.
  2. Classroom Organization: Students will have the chance to declutter and organize their classrooms. Dispose of unnecessary materials and ensure that the learning spaces are conducive to a positive academic atmosphere.
  3. Recycling Initiative: As part of our commitment to sustainability, there will be designated areas for recycling. Please separate recyclables from regular waste to support our environmental efforts.

Volunteer Participation:

  • Students from all grades are encouraged to participate.
  • Teachers and staff members are also welcome to join and help supervise the activities.

Important Notes:

  • Wear comfortable clothing suitable for cleaning activities.
  • Bring your own reusable water bottle.
  • Students are advised to bring gardening gloves and any cleaning tools they may have.
  • Follow the guidance of the assigned supervisors during the clean-up activities.

Let’s work together to make our school a cleaner and more pleasant place for everyone. Your cooperation and enthusiasm for this event are greatly appreciated.

Thank you, [Your Name] [Your Position] [Contact Information]

Q:- Franz thinks, “Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeonsT’ What could this mean?

Q:- What happens to a linguistic minority in a state? How do you think they can keep their language alive? For example:
Punjabis in     Bangalore
Tamilians in   Mumbai
Kannadigas in  Delhi
Gujaratis in     Kolkata

Q:- What can be the matter now?” says Franz. Why, do you think, did he make this comment?

Q:-  Who was Wachter? What did he ask Franz and why? How did Franz react?

Q:- What was the usual scene when Franz’s school began in the morning?

Q:-  How had Franz hoped to get to his desk? What had he to do and why?

Q:- What tempted Franz to stay away from school?

Q:- What did M. Hamel tell them about French language? What did he ask them to do and why?

Q:-  How did Franz and other hoys enjoy their lesson in writing? 

Q:- How did M. Hamel feel and behave during the last lesson?

Q:- Why was Franz scared that day 1 What did he see on his way to school and how did he get to his deski

Q:- What order had been received from Berlin that day? What effect did it have on the life at school?

Q:-  What do you think is the theme of the story ‘The Last Lesson’? What is the reason behind its universal appeal?

Q:- Comment on the appropriateness of the title ‘The Last Lesson

Q:- What impression do you form ofM. Hamel on the basis of your study of the story ‘The Last Lesson’?

Q:- War causes destruction and spreads hatred. People feel insecure. Discuss the disadvan¬tages of war keeping in mind Franco-Prussian war (1870-71).



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