NIOS : Class 12th History (315) Solved Assignments 2023-24

NIOS : Class 12th History (315) Solved Assignments 2023-24

NIOS : Class 12th History (315) Solved Assignments 2023-24 , Get your FREE History (315) Solved Assignment for March/April & October/November 2024 Exams! Download your FREE History (315) Assignment PDF now! No need to pay! NIOS : Class 12th History (315) Solved Assignments 2023-24


(i) All questions are compulsory. The marks allotted for each question are given beside the question.

(ii) Write your name, enrollment number, AI name and subject on the first page of the answer sheet.

Q1. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

a) Mention the limitations of Inscriptions as an evidence for constructing History

Inscriptions, while valuable for constructing history, have limitations. They often represent elite perspectives, neglecting marginalized voices. Interpretation challenges arise due to linguistic changes, leading to potential misinterpretations. Inscriptions may be biased, serving political or religious agendas. Additionally, gaps in the historical record exist, as not all events were documented. The selective nature of inscriptions can skew historical narratives, emphasizing certain aspects while omitting others. Consequently, historians must approach inscriptions cautiously, supplementing them with diverse sources to ensure a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of the past.

b) “Coins provides useful information regarding economic history”. Analyze the statement

Coins serve as tangible artifacts reflecting economic systems, trade routes, and political structures. Through numismatics, the study of coins, historians glean insights into monetary policies, inflation, and economic stability. Coinage design and materials offer clues about available resources and technological advancements. Additionally, circulation patterns unveil trade networks and economic interactions. Changes in coinage over time signify economic shifts, and the presence of coins at archaeological sites aids in reconstructing economic activities. Overall, coins offer a valuable lens for comprehending economic histories, serving as both symbols and practical tools in understanding past economic landscapes.

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Q2. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

a) “Ashoka advocated a universal religion”. Examine the statement.

Ashoka, the Mauryan ruler in ancient India (c. 268–232 BCE), embraced Buddhism after the Kalinga War, transforming his governance to prioritize non-violence, compassion, and social welfare. While not advocating a specific deity or dogma, he promoted Dhamma, a set of ethical principles encompassing tolerance, kindness, and respect for all living beings.

Ashoka’s inscriptions, notably on pillars and rock edicts, conveyed these principles, encouraging his subjects to live harmoniously and embrace moral conduct. This concept of Dhamma was not confined to Buddhism but aimed at fostering a universal moral code applicable across religious boundaries. Ashoka’s emphasis on moral virtues rather than sectarian beliefs exemplifies a universalist approach, marking a unique chapter in the history of ancient Indian governance and ethical philosophy.


b) Highlight the reasons for thousands of farmers committing suicide in the third world.

The alarming trend of farmer suicides in the third world is rooted in a web of interconnected challenges. Economic factors play a pivotal role, with farmers grappling with high input costs, market volatility, and inadequate credit access, often leading to insurmountable debts. Climate change exacerbates their plight, bringing about unpredictable weather patterns and crop failures.

The absence of robust support systems, including government assistance, insurance, and modern farming technologies, compounds their vulnerabilities. Land ownership disputes and the encroachment of agricultural lands further strip farmers of their livelihoods. Beyond the economic realm, psychological stress is pronounced due to the relentless struggle for survival, social stigma, and the absence of mental health support. Additionally, global market fluctuations and unequal bargaining power expose small-scale farmers to external shocks. Tackling this crisis necessitates holistic interventions, encompassing improved agricultural practices, accessible credit, climate-resilient strategies, mental health initiatives, and equitable policies to address the multifaceted challenges facing farmers in the third world.

Q3. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.

(a) Assess the policies of sultan Zianul Abidin in Kashmir.

Sultan Zain-ul-Abidin, also known as Budshah, ruled over Kashmir during the 15th century (1420–1470). His policies left a lasting impact on the region, earning him a reputation for fostering socio-economic development and cultural flourishing.

1. Administrative Reforms: Zain-ul-Abidin implemented administrative reforms, creating a just and efficient governance system. His emphasis on fairness and accessibility contributed to a more stable political environment.

2. Economic Policies: The Sultan implemented policies to promote economic prosperity. He encouraged trade and commerce, contributing to the growth of the economy. His support for agriculture and irrigation systems further bolstered the region’s economic well-being.

3. Religious Tolerance: Zain-ul-Abidin was known for his religious tolerance. Despite being a Muslim ruler, he ensured the protection and rights of Hindus in his kingdom, fostering a harmonious coexistence of different religious communities.

4. Cultural Patronage: The Sultan was a patron of art and culture. Under his rule, Kashmir witnessed a cultural renaissance with advancements in literature, music, and the arts. This period is often referred to as the “Golden Age of Kashmiri Shaivism.”

(b) Differentiate between Mahalwari and Ryotwari System.

Mahalwari System:

  1. Unit of Assessment: The Mahalwari System operated on the village or mahal as the unit of assessment. Revenue was assessed on the entire village, considering the collective responsibility of the community.
  2. Revenue Collection: The revenue demand was made on the village as a whole, and it was the responsibility of the villagers to distribute the burden among themselves. The village headman or a representative played a crucial role in revenue collection.
  3. Joint Liability: Villagers had joint liability for the payment of land revenue. In case of default by any individual, the entire village could be held accountable.
  4. Land Ownership: The individual cultivators retained ownership of their land. The system focused on the village as a revenue unit rather than individual holdings.

Ryotwari System:

  1. Unit of Assessment: In the Ryotwari System, the unit of assessment was the individual peasant or ryot. Each cultivator’s land was assessed separately for revenue purposes.
  2. Revenue Collection: The government collected revenue directly from individual cultivators. The assessment was based on the fertility and potential productivity of each parcel of land.
  3. Individual Liability: Unlike the joint liability in the Mahalwari System, under Ryotwari, individual cultivators were personally responsible for the payment of land revenue. The government dealt directly with individual landholders.
  4. Land Ownership: The cultivators were recognized as the owners of the land, and they had the right to sell or mortgage their land.

Q4. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100–150 words.

(a) Examine the role of landed intermediaries in revenue collection during the Medieval Period

(b) Is the gap between the rich and the poor increasing/decreasing today? Discuss it with your family
and friends and write a note on it.

Q5. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100-150 words.

(a) How did colonialism influence the economic patterns and alter social relations in the 20th-century world? Elaborate in detail

(b) Analyse the causes of the fall of the Mughal Empire 

Q6. Prepare any one project out of the following in about 500 words.

(a) India witnessed many battles for supremacy among the many states that came up after the decline of the Guptas between 750 A.D. and 1200 A.D. Still that period contributed immensely in promoting culture. Make a list of the contributions keeping the following points in mind.

(b) To understand history as it was, it is important to study the sources of information. Do this project with the following guidelines. (See Lesson-29A)
(i) List at least three sources of information on your favorite ruler.
(ii) Add this information to the one which you already have in your Self Learning Material.
(iii) Also note down that this work done by you has added interest in reading more about this ruler. Would you like to do a similar study on another ruler?
(iv) Write two lines on why you chose this particular leader/ruler


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