FREE IGNOU MSW 009 Solved Assignment 2023-24 | Community Organization Management for Community Development

FREE IGNOU MSW 009 Solved Assignment 2023-24 | Community Organization Management for Community Development Solved Assignment 2023-24: MSW 009 Solved Assignment 2023-24 , MSW 009 Assignment 2022 , FREE MSW 009 Assignment , IGNOU Assignments 2023-24- Gandhi National Open University had recently uploaded the assignments of this session for MASTER DEGREE IN SOCIAL WORK for the year 2023-24. Students are recommended to download their Assignments from this web page itself. MSW 009 Solved Assignment 2023-24 They don’t need to go anywhere else when everything regarding the Assignments are available during this text only.

FREE IGNOU MSW 009 Solved Assignment 2023-24 | Community Organization Management for Community Development

University IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University)
Code MSW 009
Title Community Organization Management for Community Development
Language English
Session  July 2023-January 2024


MSW 009 Solved Assignment 2023-24 : for college kids – MSW 009 Community Organization Management for Community Development Solved Assignment 2023-24, Students are advised that after successfully downloading their Assignments, you’ll find each and every course assignments of your downloaded. Candidates got to create separate assignment for the IGNOU Master Course, so as that it’s easy for Evaluators to ascertain your assignments.

Download IGNOU MSW 009 Question Paper

Answer all questions in this assignment.

Q1. Delineate history of social welfare administration in India.

The history of social welfare administration in India can be traced back to ancient times when the concept of charity and support for the needy was ingrained in the societal fabric. However, a more structured and organized approach to social welfare administration began during the colonial period and evolved through various phases in post-independence India. Here is a broad overview of the history of social welfare administration in India:

  1. Ancient Period:
    • The concept of charity and philanthropy was prevalent in ancient Indian societies, with the practice of “daan” (charitable giving) being an integral part of Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain traditions.
    • The kings and emperors of ancient India were known for supporting public works, building hospitals, and providing for the welfare of their subjects.
  2. Medieval Period:
    • Sultans and Mughal rulers also contributed to social welfare by establishing hospitals, gardens, and charitable institutions.
    • The concept of “waqf” (endowment for charitable purposes) gained prominence during this period.
  3. British Colonial Period (1757-1947):
    • The British colonial administration introduced a few welfare measures, primarily focused on addressing issues like poverty, public health, and education.
    • The 19th century witnessed the establishment of laws related to public health, sanitation, and education.
    • The Public Health Acts and Factory Acts were some of the early legislative measures aimed at improving working conditions and public health.
  4. Post-Independence (1947 Onwards):
    • The Constitution of India, adopted in 1950, laid down the fundamental principles for social welfare and justice.
    • The Directive Principles of State Policy in the Constitution outlined the government’s commitment to securing social and economic justice for its citizens.
    • The Five-Year Plans, starting from the 1950s, emphasized social development, poverty alleviation, and rural development.
    • The establishment of various ministries and departments such as the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment and the Ministry of Women and Child Development demonstrated a focused approach to social welfare administration.
  5. Emergency Era (1975-1977):
    • The period of the national emergency saw the centralization of power, and social welfare programs were implemented through authoritarian measures.
  6. Liberalization Era (1991 Onwards):
    • Economic liberalization in the early 1990s brought about changes in the approach to social welfare. The emphasis shifted from a welfare state to a more market-oriented economy.
    • Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society began to play a significant role in social welfare initiatives.
  7. Recent Years:
    • Various social welfare programs and schemes have been launched to address issues like poverty, healthcare, education, and rural development. Examples include the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), National Health Mission (NHM), and Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS).
  8. Challenges:
    • Despite progress, India faces challenges such as regional disparities, corruption, and implementation gaps in social welfare programs.
    • Issues like gender inequality, caste-based discrimination, and poverty continue to be significant concerns.

In summary, the history of social welfare administration in India reflects a gradual evolution from ancient traditions of charity to a more structured and legislative framework aimed at addressing the diverse social needs of the population. The post-independence period has witnessed the implementation of numerous policies and programs to uplift the marginalized and vulnerable sections of society.


Describe the various models of social action. Give illustrations in Indian context.

Q2. What do you understand by models of community organization? Discuss Jack Rothman’s model (1968) of community organization in detail with the help of suitable examples in Indian context.


Highlight the trajectory of development of community organization in United Kingdom and United States of America.

Q3. Answer any two of the following questions in about 300 words each:

a) Elucidate the changing concept and meaning of community in the era of information technology.

b) Enumerate eight purposes as given by Weil & Gamble that provide basis of community practice engagement.

c) Describe various characteristics of urban communities with suitable examples.

d) Discuss frameworks to look at the community from the social work practitioner’s perspective.

Q4. Attempt any four of the following in about 150 words each:

a) Give illustrations to the Abraham Maslow’s Need Priority Model.

b) Discuss various types of social welfare administration in India.

c) Briefly dwell upon the community organization as a problem solving method.

d) Explain inherent values associated with community organization.

e) What are defining features of rural social structures? Discuss with the help suitable examples in Indian context.

f) Discuss characteristics features of a slum community in India.

Q5. Write short notes on any five of the following in about 100 words each:

a) Gemeinschaft

b) Rural Urban Dichotomy

c) Kinship

d) Gandhian Model of Social Action

e) SWOC (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Challenges) Analysis


g) Lane Committee Report (1939)

h) Denotified Tribe

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