FREE IGNOU MPYE 008 Solved Assignment 2023-24 | Metaphysics

FREE IGNOU MPYE 008 Solved Assignment 2023-24 | Metaphysics Solved Assignment 2023-24: MPYE 008 Solved Assignment 2023-24 , MPYE 008 Assignment 2022 , FREE MPYE 008 Assignment , IGNOU Assignments 2023-24- Gandhi National Open University had recently uploaded the assignments of this session for MA (Philosophy) for the year 2023-24. Students are recommended to download their Assignments from this web page itself. MPYE 008 Solved Assignment 2023-24 They don’t need to go anywhere else when everything regarding the Assignments are available during this text only.

FREE IGNOU MPYE 008 Solved Assignment 2023-24 | Metaphysics

University IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University)
Code MPYE 008
Title Metaphysics
Language English
Session  July 2023-January 2024


MPYE 008 Solved Assignment 2023-24 : for college kids – MPYE 008 Metaphysics Solved Assignment 2023-24, Students are advised that after successfully downloading their Assignments, you’ll find each and every course assignments of your downloaded. Candidates got to create separate assignment for the IGNOU Master Course, so as that it’s easy for Evaluators to ascertain your assignments.

Download IGNOU MPYE 008 Question Paper

Q1. Explain and evaluate satkaryavada of Samkhya philosophy.

Satkaryavada is a key concept in the Samkhya philosophy, one of the six classical schools of Indian philosophy. Samkhya is attributed to the sage Kapila and is primarily concerned with the analysis of the material world and the nature of existence. Satkaryavada is the theory of causation in Samkhya, and it is essential for understanding how the world comes into being and undergoes changes according to this philosophical system.

Here’s an explanation of Satkaryavada and an evaluation of its significance within the Samkhya framework:


  1. Principle of Existence (Sat): Satkaryavada begins with the fundamental principle of existence, which is referred to as “Sat” in Samkhya. Sat represents the ultimate reality or existence that undergoes transformation to manifest the material world.
  2. Karya (Effect) and Karana (Cause): According to Satkaryavada, there is an inherent connection between the cause (karana) and effect (karya). The effect is not entirely new; it is already existent in a subtle form within the cause. This is in contrast to the Nyaya-Vaisesika system, where the effect is seen as a new entity emerging from the cause.
  3. Three Stages of Evolution:
    • Avyakta (Unmanifest): The first stage is the unmanifest or undifferentiated state where all potentialities exist in a latent form within the cause.
    • Vyakta (Manifest): The second stage is the manifest or differentiated state where the subtle elements undergo transformation and manifest as gross elements.
    • Vikara (Modification): The final stage involves the modification of the manifest elements, leading to the diverse objects and entities in the material world.


  1. Logical Coherence: Satkaryavada provides a logical explanation for the process of creation and change in the world. By positing a connection between cause and effect, it avoids the problem of the origination of something entirely new from nothing, which is a challenge for other theories of causation.
  2. Consistency with Experience: The concept aligns with our everyday experience of observing changes and transformations in the world. It resonates with the idea that nothing comes into existence without having some pre-existing basis.
  3. Metaphysical Basis: Satkaryavada establishes a metaphysical foundation for Samkhya’s dualism, where the unmanifest (Prakriti) and the conscious self (Purusha) interact to bring about the phenomenal world. This dualistic perspective is a distinctive feature of Samkhya.
  4. Critique: Some critics argue that Satkaryavada does not provide a satisfactory answer to the question of the ultimate cause. While it explains the relationship between cause and effect, it does not delve into the nature of the ultimate reality (Sat) itself, leaving a gap in its metaphysical account.

In conclusion, Satkaryavada is a significant aspect of Samkhya philosophy, offering a coherent and logical explanation for the manifestation and evolution of the material world. While it has strengths in providing a metaphysical foundation for Samkhya’s dualism, it also faces challenges related to the nature of the ultimate reality.


Explain category of abhava in Vaisheshika philosophy.

Q2. What is Metaphysics? Write an essay on the starting point of metaphysics.


Explain and examine four kinds of cause in Aristotle’s metaphysics.

Q3. Answer any two questions in about 250 words each.

a) What do you understand by Being as Analogous? Describe.

b) Evaluate Samkara’s concept of reality.

c) Write a note on the problem of being and becoming.

d) What is free will? Do you agree that free will exists Substantiate your answer.

Q4. Answer any four questions in about 150 words each.

a) Evaluate the idea of substance of Aristotle.

b) Write a note on the relation between matter and form in Aristotle’s metaphysics.

c) How does Nyaya philosophy prove asatkaryavada?

d) In what sense will you define beauty? Give some arguments for subjective and objective understanding of the concept of beauty.

e) Write a note on the idea of Dasein.

f) Write a note on Carvaka’s metaphysics.

Q5. Write short notes on any five in about 100 words each.

a) Purusa in Samkhya philosophy

b) Prime mover

c) Becoming

d) Sufficient Condition

e) Being as Agape (Love)

f) God in Ramanuja’s philosophy

g) Potency

h) Logical Truth

IGNOU Assignment Status 2023-24

MPYE 008 Metaphysics Solved Assignment 2023-24: Those students who had successfully submitted their Assignments to their allocated study centres can now check their Assignment Status. Alongside assignment status, they will also checkout their assignment marks & result. All this is often available in a web mode. After submitting the assignment, you’ll check you IGNOU Assignment Status only after 3-4 weeks. it’d take 40 days to declare. MPYE 008 Solved Assignment 2023-24

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Those students who had successfully submitted their Assignments to their allocated study centres can now check their Assignment Status. Along with assignment status, they can also checkout their assignment marks & result.  MPYE 008 Solved Assignment 2023-24 All this is available in an online mode. After submitting the assignment, you can check you IGNOU Assignment Status only after 3-4 weeks. It might take 40 days to declare.

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