FREE IGNOU MGPE 013 Solved Assignment 2023-24 | CIVIL SOCIETY, POLITICAL REGIMES AND CONFLICT Solved Assignment 2023-24: MGPE 013 Solved Assignment 2023-24 , MGPE 013 Assignment 2022 , FREE MGPE 013 Assignment , IGNOU Assignments 2023-24- Gandhi National Open University had recently uploaded the assignments of this session for MAGPS for the year 2023-24. Students are recommended to download their Assignments from this web page itself. MGPE 013 Solved Assignment 2023-24 They don’t need to go anywhere else when everything regarding the Assignments are available during this text only.


University IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University)
Code MGPE 013
Language English
Session  July 2023-January 2024


MGPE 013 Solved Assignment 2023-24 : for college kids – MGPE 013 CIVIL SOCIETY, POLITICAL REGIMES AND CONFLICT Solved Assignment 2023-24, Students are advised that after successfully downloading their Assignments, you’ll find each and every course assignments of your downloaded. Candidates got to create separate assignment for the IGNOU Master Course, so as that it’s easy for Evaluators to ascertain your assignments.

IGNOU MGPE 013 Question Paper

Answer all questions in this assignment.


Q1. Critically analyse Gramsci‟s concept of civil society.

Antonio Gramsci, an Italian Marxist philosopher and political theorist, developed the concept of civil society as a key component of his broader analysis of society and power structures. Gramsci’s ideas on civil society are outlined in his Prison Notebooks, written during his imprisonment by the fascist regime in Italy. The concept of civil society in Gramsci’s work is complex and multifaceted, encompassing various aspects of social life, institutions, and power relations.

  1. Historical Context: Gramsci’s development of the concept of civil society was a response to the changing socio-political landscape of his time. His ideas emerged in the aftermath of World War I and the Russian Revolution, at a time when traditional Marxist predictions about a spontaneous working-class revolution were not materializing in the Western capitalist societies.
  2. Civil Society vs. Political Society: Gramsci distinguished between civil society and political society. Civil society includes a broad range of institutions such as education, media, family, and religious organizations. Political society, on the other hand, refers to the state and its coercive apparatus. Gramsci argued that in advanced capitalist societies, hegemony is maintained not only through political domination but also through the cultural and ideological influence exerted by civil society.
  3. Hegemony and Consent: One of the central ideas in Gramsci’s concept of civil society is the notion of hegemony. Hegemony refers to the ability of the ruling class to establish and maintain its dominance by shaping the values, beliefs, and norms accepted by society. Unlike coercion, which relies on force, hegemony involves gaining the consent of the subordinated classes. Civil society plays a crucial role in this process by disseminating ideologies that align with the interests of the ruling class.
  4. Intellectuals and Organic Intellectuals: Gramsci emphasized the role of intellectuals in shaping civil society. He distinguished between traditional intellectuals, associated with established institutions, and organic intellectuals, who emerge from and represent the interests of specific social groups. Gramsci argued that organic intellectuals could play a crucial role in challenging and transforming existing power structures.
  5. Cultural and Ideological Hegemony: Gramsci’s concept of civil society expands the understanding of power beyond the economic and political realms to include cultural and ideological dimensions. He believed that the ruling class maintains its dominance not only through economic exploitation and political control but also by shaping the ideas, values, and cultural practices that permeate society through civil institutions.
  6. Counter-Hegemony and Resistance: Gramsci’s concept of civil society provides a framework for understanding resistance and counter-hegemony. He argued that subordinated groups could challenge the dominant ideology and create alternative cultural and political practices within civil society, paving the way for social transformation.

In conclusion, Antonio Gramsci’s concept of civil society is a key element of his broader theoretical framework, highlighting the multifaceted nature of power relations in advanced capitalist societies. The emphasis on cultural and ideological hegemony, the role of intellectuals, and the potential for counter-hegemonic struggles within civil society make Gramsci’s ideas relevant for understanding contemporary dynamics of power and social change.

Q2. Swaraj for Gandhi is self-reliance and self-government. Explain.

Q3. Discuss the various approaches to the study of Panchayati Raj Institutions.

Q4. Discuss the role of NGOs for mobilizing voluntary action.

Q5. How the Grameen Bank is working towards eradicating poverty and hunger? Explain briefly.


Q6. a) The origins and notion of civil society

b) War on terrorism and political regimes

Q7. a) Civil society‟s relevance in Asia

b) Gandhian civil society: An answer for global peace

Q8. a) Trace the origin and evolution of peace movements

b) Anti-Nuclear Protest Movements

Q9. a) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)

b) The UN Charter and the United Nations

Q10. a) The relationship between state and civil society

b) The concepts of resistance and protest

IGNOU Assignment Status 2023-24

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