IGNOU MS-10 Solved GUESS PAPER, Imp. Notes

IGNOU MS-10 Solved Guess paper 2023-24 , MS-10 Organisational Design, Development and Change  Solved Guess paper 2023-24 Download Free :  MS-10 Solved Assignment 2023-2024 , IGNOU MS-10 Previous paper 2023-24, MS-10 important questions 2023-24 , MS-10 Assignment , MS-10 Organisational Design, Development and Change   Solved Guess Paper 2023-24 Download Free IGNOU Assignments 2023-24- IGNOU Organisational Design, Development and Change   Solved Guess Paper 2023-24 Gandhi National Open University had recently uploaded the assignments of the present session for IGNOU Organisational Design, Development and Change   for the year 2023-24. Students are recommended to download their Assignments from this webpage itself.

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  • The concepts of organizational design, development, and change.
  • It explores different organizational structures, design processes, and factors influencing change in organizations.
  • The course helps students understand how organizations can be designed and developed to be more effective and efficient. IGNOU MS-10 Solved GUESS PAPER, Imp. Notes

IGNOU MS-10 refers to the course code for Organizational Design, Development and Change which is a core course of the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU).

Briefly discuss organization as a system. Identify the different approaches to understand

IGNOU MS-10 Solved GUESS PAPER- Organizations as systems can be understood through the lens of systems theory, which views an organization as a complex and interconnected set of elements working together to achieve common goals.

Classical Approach: Focuses on formal structures, hierarchy, and clear division of labor. It includes theories like Scientific Management (Taylor), Administrative Theory (Fayol), and Bureaucracy (Weber).

Human Relations Approach: Emphasizes the importance of human needs and relationships within the organization. This approach arose from the Hawthorne Studies and includes theories like Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y.

Contingency Approach: Suggests that there is no one best way to organize. Instead, the best way depends on various situational factors like the environment, technology, and size of the organization.

Systems Approach: Views the organization as an open system that interacts with its environment. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the interactions between different subsystems within the organization and between the organization and its external environment.

Sociotechnical Systems Approach: Focuses on the interaction between social and technical aspects of the organization. It aims to optimize both the social and technical systems to improve overall performance.

Learning Organization Approach: Emphasizes the importance of learning and adaptation within the organization. It is based on the idea that organizations need to continuously improve and innovate to stay competitive. This approach is closely associated with Peter Senge’s work on learning organizations.

Explain the evolutionary process of organization design and discuss the bureaucratic and behavioral perspective of organisational design.

Delineate the main tentes of quality of work life. Discuss the relevant issues inherent in it.

Describe any two types of organisation structures and relate their significance to restructuring. Explain with suitable examples.

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Discuss the current trends in the study of work organisation and their effect on the
work culture.

Describe Questionnaire as a tool for analysing an organisation and its merits and

Explain Lewin’s model in process of change and interventions in Managing Resistance
to change.

What is the meaning and purpose of an organisational design ? Briefly diScuss the key factors affecting organisational design.

Examine the advantages and disadvantages of line and Staff organisation and Horizontal

Briefly discuss the emerging trends in work organisation and their impact on quality of work
life of employees.

Discuss the role of a change agent and the competencies required for a change agent in an
organizational set up.

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Briefly describe universal perspectives of organisation design and their relevance in
organisational development.

What is the meaning and purpose of an organisational design ? Describe the factors
affecting organisation design.

Discuss the concept of quality of work life. How the emerging trends affect quality of work life in
the present day context ?

Briefly describe the factors influencing Institution Building. Discuss role of Chief Executives in
Institution Building with an example.

What are the principles of good Organisational Design ? Briefly discuss the key factors which
affect Organisation Design. Explain with suitable examples.

Explain the concept of organising and analysing work. Enumerate different approaches to
organising and analysing work.

Discuss the most significant methods of Organisational Diagnosis. Discuss the use of
questionnaire in this context.

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