IGNOU MS-0422 Solved GUESS PAPER, Imp. Notes

IGNOU MS-0422 Solved Guess paper 2023-24 , MS-0422 Bank Financial Management  Solved Guess paper 2023-24 Download Free :  MS-0422 Solved Assignment 2023-2024 , IGNOU MS-0422 Previous paper 2023-24, MS-0422 important questions 2023-24 , MS-0422 Assignment , MS-0422 Bank Financial Management   Solved Guess Paper 2023-24 Download Free IGNOU Assignments 2023-24- IGNOU Bank Financial Management   Solved Guess Paper 2023-24 Gandhi National Open University had recently uploaded the assignments of the present session for IGNOU Bank Financial Management   for the year 2023-24. Students are recommended to download their Assignments from this webpage itself.

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  • Course Code: MS-422
  • Course Title: Bank Financial Management
  • Programme: Management Programme (Banking and Finance)

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) offers MS-0422 Bank Financial Management as a course in their Management Programme (Banking and Finance). It’s a valuable course for those interested in understanding the financial aspects of banking operations.

What is Primary Market for Securities ? List the various instruments used in this market and discuss their basic characteristics.

IGNOU MS-0422 Solved GUESS PAPER- The primary market, also known as the new issue market, is where securities are created and sold for the first time. It is the platform where companies, governments, or public sector institutions can raise funds by issuing new stocks, bonds, or other financial instruments to investors. The primary market is crucial for capital formation, enabling issuers to obtain the necessary funding for business expansion, development projects, or operational needs.

Basic Characteristics of Primary Market Instruments

  • Creation and Sale: Securities are sold for the first time, directly from the issuer to investors.
  • Raising Capital: The primary market helps issuers raise fresh capital to fund operations, expansion, or other needs. IGNOU MS-0422 Solved GUESS PAPER
  • Regulation: Issuances in the primary market are heavily regulated to protect investors and maintain market integrity.
  • Pricing: Prices of securities in the primary market are often determined through book-building or fixed pricing methods.
  • Investment Banking Role: Investment banks usually play a crucial role in underwriting and distributing these new securities.

Discuss the characteristics of services. What are the implications that they create for marketers of
financial services ? Discuss. 

Explain the Marshallian and the Pavlovian, behavioural models and discuss the marketing
applications of these models.

What do you understand by Asset-Liability Management in a bank ? What is its significance ? How does a bank manage the liquidity risk ? Explain.

What is meant by ‘Capital Adequacy Ratio’ (CAR) ? Discuss its significance and describe in
detail the capital adequacy norms as prescribed for Indian banks.

 What are the important sources of borrowed funds for banks ? List and briefly explain the
various items shown in schedule 3, 4 and 5 of a bank’s balance sheet

How is the Price of a Bond determined ? How is bond price volatility measured ? Discuss.

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Explain what do you understand by factoring ? Explain its mechanism and distinguish it from
discounting of bills and forfaiting.

Explain in detail the process of project appraisal. What are the new financial instruments used for
project financing ? Discuss.

What is ‘Credit Risk’ ? Discuss the various approaches to measure credit risk.

What are the constituents of a mutual fund ? Explain the working mechanism and functions
of an Asset Management Company (AMC).

What are pension funds ? Explain how is fund management done in pension funds ?

Describe the benefits of insurance investments over other financial investments. Explain how effective marketing will be useful in enhancing the insurance business ?

Why do Banks go for Mergers ? Describe the procedure for Bank Amalgation as laid down in
the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.

Discuss the objectives of pricing of banking products. Explain the different pricing methods
used for pricing of banking products.

What is the concept of Product Life Cycle ? Discuss the application of this concept to
marketing of banking products

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