IGNOU MCA Admission For 2024-25 Course Fees, Syllabus, Scope

IGNOU MCA Admission For 2024-25- Offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), the Master of Computer Applications (MCA) program is a postgraduate degree designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills for careers in the software industry and academia.

MODE Open Distance Learning
SCHOOL School of Computer and Information Sciences
SPECIALIZATION Computer Applications

How to Apply for IGNOU MCA Admission?

  • Registration: Visit the official website ignouadmission.samarth.edu.in and complete the registration process. IGNOU MCA Admission For 2024-25
  • Login: Use the username and password generated during registration to log in.
  • Application Form: Search for the “application form” link and click on it.
  • Fill Out Details: Enter all the required information in the application form.
  • Upload Documents: Upload necessary documents such as mark sheets, certificates, and recent photos.
  • Payment: Make the payment using net banking, credit, or debit cards.
  • Submit: Click the “Submit” button to complete the application process. IGNOU MCA Admission For 2024-25

IGNOU MCA Syllabus 

Semester I
Course Code Course Title Theory/Practical Credits
MCS-211 Design and Analysis of Algorithms Theory 4
MCS-212 Discrete Mathematics Theory 4
MCS-213 Software Engineering Theory 4
MCS-214 Professional Skills and Ethics Theory 2
MCS-215 Security and Cyber Laws Theory 2
MCSL-216 DAA and Web Design Lab Practical 2
MCSL-217 Software Engineering Lab Practical 2
Semester II
MCS-218 Data Communication and Computer Networks Theory 4
MCS-219 Object Oriented Analysis and Design Theory 4
MCS-220 Web Technologies Theory 4
MCS-221 Data Warehousing and Data Mining Theory 4
MCSL-222 OOAD and Web Technologies Lab Practical 2
MCSL-223 Computer Networks and Data Mining Lab Practical 2
Semester III
MCS-224 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Theory 4
MCS-225 Accountancy and Financial Management Theory 4
MCS-226 Data Science and Big Data Theory 4
MCS-227 Cloud Computing and IoT Theory 4
MCSL-228 AI and Machine Learning Lab Practical 2
MCSL-229 Cloud and Data Science Lab Practical 2
Semester IV
MCS-230 Digital Image Processing and Computer Vision Theory 4
MCS-231 Mobile Computing Theory 4
MCSP-232 Project Project 12


IGNOU MCA Solved Assignment 2024-25

IGNOU MCA Admission For 2024-25 Course Fees, Syllabus, Scope- The Master of Science Food Nutrition (MCA ) program offered by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)

 IGNOU’s Assignments for the June term-end examination is now open. Students must submit their assignments by 15 May 2024 to be eligible to sit for the exams.

IGNOU MCA Admission For 2024-25 Course Fees, Syllabus, Scope- IGNOU provides solved assignments to its students as a means to help them understand the course material better and to assess their understanding of the concepts covered in the program. These solved assignments typically include questions related to the topics covered in the course, and students are expected to solve them and submit them for evaluation.

IGNOU MCA Admission Course Fee

Rs. 12,500/- per semester. Registration fee of Rs.300/- is payable along with fee for 1st semester at the time of admission. Students joining in the second category shall pay an additional amount of Rs.2000/-.(exclusive of examination fee) + Exam Fees as decided by the University

Frequently Asked Questions?

What is the last date for IGNOU MCA 2024?
The last date for IGNOU MCA Exam Form submission is 25 May 2024

How to apply for IGNOU MCA ?

Students can apply online for IGNOU MCA at @ignouadmission.samarth.edu.in.

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