IGNOU BRLP-101 internship workbook and viva solution Get Done

IGNOU BRLP-101 internship workbook and viva solution – IGNOU BRLP-101 is a course offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) for students enrolled in the Bachelor of Business Administration (Retailing) (BBARIL) and Diploma in Retailing (DIRIL) programs. It’s an internship-based course focused on providing students with practical experience in the retail industry.

 Whatspp 8130208920 

BRLP-101 Course Objectives

  • Equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform effectively in the retail sector.
  • Provide opportunities to apply classroom learning in a real-world retail environment.
  • Develop practical competencies in areas like customer service, product knowledge, sales techniques, and store operations.

BRLP-101 Course Structure

Internship: Students are required to complete a minimum of 150 hours of internship at a recognized retail store. During the internship, students gain hands-on experience in various retail operations. IGNOU BRLP-101 internship workbook and viva solution 

Workbook: A workbook is provided to students that includes assignments and exercises corresponding to the internship experience. Students are required to complete the workbook assignments based on their observations and learnings at the internship store.

Viva-voce: After completing the internship and workbook, students participate in a viva-voce examination. The viva voce is an oral interaction with a faculty panel where students are assessed on their understanding of the retail industry and their internship experiences.

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BRLP-101 Syllabus

  • Introduction to Retailing
  • Retail Formats and Strategies
  • Store Operations
  • Customer Service
  • Product Knowledge
  • Sales Techniques
  • Visual Merchandising
  • Cash Register Operations
  • Inventory Management
  • Security Procedures in Retail Stores

Module-1 About the Company

 Module-2 Stock Deck

 Module-3 Building Product Knowledge

 Module-4 Up Selling

 Module-5 Personal Performance Tracking

 Module-6 Consumer Buying Behaviour

 Module-7 Functions of Various Departments

Module-8 Retail Formats 69 Module-9 Indian Retail Scenario

 Module-10 Exceptional Sales Performance

 Module-11 Customer Service

 Module-12 Security Processes of Retailers

Module-13 Flow of Goods in the Retail Store

Module-14 Visual Communication in the Store

Module-15 Cashiering Process in the Store


Typically, the workbook for an internship course like BRLP-101 will include tasks, assignments, and reflections related to the practical experiences gained during your internship. Make sure you carefully read and understand each task or question in the workbook. It might include sections on your roles and responsibilities during the internship, challenges faced, skills acquired, and the overall impact of the internship experience on your understanding of rural development.

Viva Voce

This is usually an oral examination where you will be asked questions about your internship experience, the tasks you performed, the challenges you encountered, and the outcomes achieved.

  • Revisit the BRLP-101 course material and the internship workbook entries.
  • Research common viva questions related to retail management, customer behavior, and specific industry trends.
  • Practice answering questions aloud, simulating a viva setting.


1) Please utilize your 1st BBARIL internship learnings experience to prepare the workbook.

2) Please refer the given course material for the preparation of this workbook

3) Please visit nearby competitors to gather additional information and inputs to upgrade your knowledge.

4) Please write down the given workbook in your own language and should not give it to anybody else to fill it for you.

5) Please cover all the relevant points from Module-1 to Module-15 given in the workbook.

6) Please mention the relevant examples only.

7) Please add pictures, diagrams, charts, tables etc. or draw to explain the concepts of the Modules given in the workbook.

8) Please observe carefully the unique features of each operation of the retail store and mention them in your workbook.

9) Please identify the problem/s relating to each retail operation and suggest the possible solution for it. IGNOU BRLP-101 internship workbook 

10) Please write answer for all the questions given in the workbook. So that your workbook should be completed in all aspects.

Assignment 1

Company Name, background, age, market share, competitors, unique selling propositions.

What products are they selling?

 How many stores do they have?

 In how many cities are they present at the moment?

Prepare some questions related to customers such as, why do they come to this particular store? How frequently do they come here? And how is their experience etc. Share your findings in bullet form. Pick up two more competitors and then differentiate.

Write the future plans of the company. Discuss with the employees of the company and understand the future plans of the company. Prepare questions before approaching the employees of the company and mention details in bullet form.

Write the number of stores, competitors’ number of stores at Pan India level. Also mention the cities of the company and their competitors. Mention at least two competitors and how are they different. What edge do they have?

Additional notes to add if any (you can add some pictures or images of the company and their competitors).

Floor wise Layout of the store (With details marked): Make a layout on the sheet here, mark different categories, departments or sections or subsections under each category, also plot cashiering area, basket area, store CSD (Customer service desk), store back office and warehouse area

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