Du B.A Sanskrit Modern Sanskrit Literature Important Questions Answers

Du B.A Sanskrit Modern Sanskrit Literature Important Questions Answers- Modern Sanskrit literature, while rooted in the ancient traditions and classical texts of Sanskrit, represents a significant and dynamic evolution in the use of this classical language. Despite being considered a “dead” language by some, Sanskrit has continued to be a medium for scholarly, poetic, and philosophical expressions, reflecting contemporary themes and ideas.

Section ‘A’


Unit: I

  • Introduction (Author and Text)
  • Canto-I (Verses 1-10) Meaning/translation,
  • Explanation, Story, Characteristics of Raghu Clan,
  • Characteristics of Dilīpa.

Unit: II

  • Canto-I (Verses: 11-25) Meaning/translation,
  • Explanation, Role of Dilīpa for the welfare of the
  • subjects. Appropriateness of title, Background of
  • given contents.

Section ‘B


  • Unit: I Introduction (Author and Text), Appropriateness of title, Background of given contents.
  • Canto II, Verses 26-37, Grammar, Translation,
  • Explanation, Poetic excellence, thematic analysis.

Section ‘C’


  • Unit: I Verses (1-10) Translation, explanation. 06 Credits
  • Unit II Verses (11-20) Translation, explanation, Social
  • experiences of Bhartṛhari, Types of Fool. 06 Credits

Section ‘D’

  • History of Sanskrit Poetry
  • Unit I Aśvaghoṣa, Kālidāsa, Bhāravi, Māgha, Śriharṣa,
  • Jayadeva, Bharthari and their works. 

Unit I

  • Origin and Development of Different types of
  • Mahakavya and Gītikāvya with special reference to
  • the following Poets and their works.

Unit II

  • Verses 42-56, Grammar, Translation,
  • Explanation, Poetic excellence, thematic

Characteristics of Modern Sanskrit Literature

  • Contemporary Issues: Modern Sanskrit literature often addresses contemporary social, political, and cultural issues. Works reflect on India’s struggle for independence, social reforms, and the challenges of modernization.
  • Philosophical and Spiritual Inquiry: Continuing the tradition of classical Sanskrit, modern literature also delves into philosophical and spiritual questions, exploring themes such as the nature of existence, ethics, and human values.
  • Interdisciplinary Approaches: There is a significant integration of various disciplines, including science, technology, and economics, into literary works, demonstrating the adaptability of Sanskrit to modern contexts.
  • Poetry: Poetry remains a dominant form in modern Sanskrit literature. Poets compose in traditional meters while experimenting with free verse and new poetic forms.
  • Drama: Sanskrit plays continue to be written and performed, often incorporating modern themes and experimental theatrical techniques.
  • Prose: There has been a growth in the production of novels, short stories, and essays, a relatively new development in Sanskrit literature.
  • Classical Influence: Modern writers often emulate the linguistic purity and stylistic elegance of classical Sanskrit literature, maintaining grammatical precision and the use of traditional rhetorical devices.
  • Innovative Usage: To address contemporary themes, writers innovate within the language, creating new vocabulary and adapting classical idioms to modern contexts.

1. हि पूजायाः पात्रम् । प्रतिमानानीमे रिक्षाचालका: कर्तृत्वस्य । तत्रापि येषु प्रबोध:, कर्तव्यनिष्ठा, स्वधर्मप्रणयः, समाजसेवाव्रतं च किं वक्तव्यं तेषां संमानस्य, महिम्नः प्रदानस्य च ।

Du B.A Sanskrit Modern Sanskrit Literature Important Questions Answers ऋचा यत्र किञ्चित् नवीनं, तत्र पूजायाः पात्रं निर्मितुम् अर्हति। रिक्षाचालकाः तावन्तस्समुदायः, येषां कर्तृत्वं विशिष्टं आहुः। तेषामपि गुणाः, जैसे प्रबोधः, कर्तव्यनिष्ठा, स्वधर्मप्रणयः एवं समाजसेवाव्रतं, अत्यन्तं महत्त्वपूर्णाः अस्ति।

प्रथमं, प्रबोधः। ये रिक्षाचालकाः प्रज्ञापूर्वक वाहनं चालयन्ति, ते न तद्वारं मात्रं सेवन्ति, बल्कि पथप्रक्षेपणं, सड़कों की सुरक्षा, यात्रियों की सहायता आदि भी कर्तव्यानि समझते हैं। इत्यस्मिन् प्रकारे उनका प्रबोधः समाजे महत्त्वपूर्णः।

द्वितीयं, कर्तव्यनिष्ठा। रिक्षाचालकाः यथाशक्ति यात्रियों की सेवा करने के लिए समर्पित रहते हैं, अपने कर्तव्य का पालन करते हैं, जो समाज के लिए आवश्यक है।

तृतीयं, स्वधर्मप्रणयः। ये रिक्षाचालक अपने कार्य में ईमानदारी से समर्थ होते हैं और स्वधर्म का पालन करते हैं। उनका यह निष्ठा समाज को विश्वास और आत्मविश्वास प्रदान करती है।

चतुर्थं, समाजसेवाव्रतं। रिक्षाचालकाः अपने समुदाय की सेवा में समर्थ होते हैं। वे गरीबों और आवश्यकचीज़ों के लिए भी योगदान करते हैं, जिससे समाज में सामाजिक समरसता की भावना बढ़ती है। Du B.A Sanskrit Modern Sanskrit Literature Important Questions Answers

2. इयमेव भगवती सर्वं साधयिष्यति, भजस्वावधानेनेमामेव । भवत्वस्या: स्वामी, भवतु च नेता विश्वस्येति ।

3. अयमेव अहोरात्रं जनयति, अयमेव वत्सरं द्वादशसु भागेषु विभनक्ति, अयमेव कारणं षण्णामृतूनाम, एष एवाङ्गीकरोति उत्तरं दक्षिणं चायनम्, एनेनैव सम्पादिता युगभेदाः, एनेनैव कृता: कल्पभेदाः ।

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4. स एव कदाचित् पयः पूर – पूरितान्यकूपार- तलानि मरूकरोति । सिंह – व्याघ्र – भल्लूक – गण्डक – फेरु – शश – सहस्र – व्याप्तान्यरण्यानि जनपदीकरोति, मन्दिर – प्रासाद – हर्म्य – शृङ्गाटक – चत्वारोद्यान- तडाग गोष्ठमयानि नगराणि च काननीकरोति ।

5. मृत्युचीत्कृतय इव नक्तन्दिवं मां परितः कथमेताः क्रीडन्ति ? कथं न म्रियन्ते ? किमर्थं सर्वा अक्षता जीवन्ति ? किमेतासां कृते न कृतो रोगो व्याधिर्वा भगवता महिषवाहनेन ?

6. परन्तु कार्यालयात् प्रतिनिवृत्तस्य पितुः द्विचक्रिकाघण्टिकारावं श्रुत्वैव सर्वा गृहविवरेषु निलीयन्ते । पित्राकारिताऽपि कांऽपि बाला अचिन्त्यवज्रपातभयाद् बहिरागन्तुं नोपाक्रमते । सौभाग्यवत्येव पुरस्सरीभवति मार्जार्याः कण्ठे घण्टिकामाबद्धुम 

7. ‘त्रिपादी’ अथवा ‘शतपर्विका’ कथा की समीक्षा कीजिए 

8. ‘भुवि कम्पनम्’ कविता के आधार पर प्रो. सत्यव्रत शास्त्री के युगबोध की समीक्षा कीजिए ।

9. भीमशतकम्’ के सामाजिक सन्देश का विवेचन कीजिए ।

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