Discuss the play Pygmalion as a romance? Elaborate

Discuss the play Pygmalion as a romance? Elaborate, “Pygmalion,” written by George Bernard Shaw and first performed in 1913, is often analyzed as a social commentary or a comedy of manners. However, beneath its surface, the play also possesses elements that qualify it as a romance. At its core, “Pygmalion” is a story of transformation, growth, and the blossoming of love. “Pygmalion” is a play written by George Bernard Shaw and first premiered in 1913. It’s a social comedy that explores themes of class, language, and identity. The play’s title references the ancient Greek myth of Pygmalion, a sculptor who falls in love with a statue he created and which later comes to life. In Shaw’s play, the main character, Henry Higgins, is a phonetics professor who takes on the task of transforming a poor, uneducated flower girl named Eliza Doolittle into a refined lady by teaching her proper English pronunciation and manners. Discuss the play Pygmalion as a romance

 The Transformation of Characters:

One of the fundamental aspects of a romance is the transformation of characters, especially the protagonist. In “Pygmalion,” we witness the profound transformation of two central characters, Henry Higgins and Eliza Doolittle.

  1. Henry Higgins:

Henry Higgins, a phonetics professor, undertakes the challenge of transforming Eliza Doolittle, a poor flower girl, into a refined lady. His initial motivation is purely scientific, but over time, he becomes emotionally involved in her transformation. This change in his character can be seen as a romantic element.

At the beginning of the play, Higgins is portrayed as a bachelor with little interest in romantic relationships. His obsession with phonetics and the transformation of Eliza is his sole focus. However, as Eliza evolves under his tutelage, Higgins begins to see her as more than just an experiment. He becomes possessive and protective of her, displaying traits commonly associated with a romantic interest. For example, when Freddy Eynsford-Hill expresses his feelings for Eliza, Higgins reacts with jealousy, stating, “What the devil is it to me? What is she to me? … I have taught her.” This emotional attachment marks the beginning of a romantic subplot within the play.

  1. Eliza Doolittle:

Eliza’s transformation from a Cockney flower girl with limited prospects to a refined lady is a central element of the romance in “Pygmalion.” Her journey is not only physical but also emotional and intellectual. Through her dedication and hard work, she not only learns how to speak and behave like a lady but also gains confidence and self-respect. Discuss the play Pygmalion as a romance

Eliza’s transformation is evident in her language and demeanor. Her speech changes dramatically from the beginning of the play, where she struggles with basic pronunciation, to the end, where she can pass as a duchess. This transformation is a testament to her determination and the romantic notion of self-improvement for the sake of love. Her growth as a character is further illustrated when she asserts her independence and leaves Higgins, seeking a better life for herself.

 The Evolution of the Relationship:

A central element of any romance is the development of a romantic relationship between the main characters. In “Pygmalion,” the relationship between Henry Higgins and Eliza Doolittle undergoes a significant evolution.

  1. The Teacher-Student Dynamic:

Initially, Higgins and Eliza have a strictly teacher-student relationship. Higgins is a demanding and often insensitive instructor, while Eliza is a willing but apprehensive learner. This dynamic sets the stage for their eventual romantic connection. In many romances, the initial interactions between the protagonists are characterized by tension or differences that create the potential for emotional growth and bonding.

  1. Emotional Bonds:

As Eliza’s transformation progresses, a deeper emotional bond begins to form between her and Higgins. This bond is rooted in their shared experiences and the personal investment they both have in her transformation. Eliza becomes more than just a project for Higgins; she becomes someone he cares about deeply. This emotional shift is exemplified in the scene where Eliza stands up to Higgins and asserts her independence. Her newfound strength and self-assuredness both surprise and impress Higgins, causing him to reevaluate his feelings for her.

  1. Conflicting Emotions:

The romantic tension in “Pygmalion” is further heightened by the conflicting emotions experienced by both Higgins and Eliza. While Eliza harbors feelings of gratitude and admiration for Higgins, she also experiences frustration and anger due to his insensitivity and arrogance. Higgins, on the other hand, struggles with his growing attachment to Eliza and his difficulty in expressing his emotions. This emotional conflict is a hallmark of romantic narratives, where characters must navigate the complexities of their feelings.

The Resolution:

Discuss the play Pygmalion as a romance, A key element of a romance is the resolution of the romantic tension, which can take various forms, such as a declaration of love, a commitment, or a separation. “Pygmalion” provides a resolution that is both unconventional and fitting for the characters involved.

  1. Eliza’s Independence:

The climax of “Pygmalion” comes when Eliza, frustrated with Higgins’s treatment, leaves him and seeks to live her life independently. This departure can be seen as a declaration of her self-worth and a rejection of the traditional roles society expects women to play. While her departure initially appears to be a separation, it is, in fact, a crucial step in her journey toward self-realization.

  1. Higgins’s Realization:

Higgins is deeply affected by Eliza’s departure, and it is during this period of separation that he comes to a profound realization about his feelings for her. He acknowledges that he misses her presence, her influence on his life, and her impact on his emotional well-being. This realization marks a significant turning point for Higgins, as he begins to understand the depth of his feelings for Eliza.

  1. Reunion and Ambiguity:

The play ends with Eliza and Higgins reuniting, but the nature of their future relationship remains ambiguous. While the play does not culminate in a conventional romantic declaration, it leaves the door open for the possibility of a romantic connection between the two characters. The final lines of the play, where Higgins asks Eliza what she will do next and she replies with a question about what he will do, suggest that their relationship is in a state of transformation, much like the characters themselves.

The Complexity of Romance:

One of the distinguishing features of “Pygmalion” as a romance is its complexity. Unlike many traditional romances that offer clear-cut resolutions, Shaw’s play leaves room for interpretation and invites audiences to ponder the intricacies of love and human relationships. Discuss the play Pygmalion as a romance

  1. The Ambiguity of the Ending:

The ambiguity of the play’s ending is emblematic of the complexity of the romance between Higgins and Eliza. Shaw does not provide a neatly packaged conclusion with declarations of love or a happily ever after. Instead, he leaves the audience with questions about the future of the characters. This ambiguity reflects the uncertainty and unpredictability often present in real-life relationships, making “Pygmalion” a more relatable and emotionally resonant romance.

  1. The Role of Independence:

Eliza’s assertion of her independence is a crucial element in the complexity of the romance. She refuses to be a passive object of affection or a mere creation of Higgins. Instead, she demands agency over her life and choices. This theme of independence challenges traditional gender roles in romance, highlighting the importance of self-determination and individual growth within a relationship.

  1. The Contrast of Love and Possession:

The play also explores the distinction between love and possession. While Higgins initially treats Eliza as an experiment and objectifies her, his evolving feelings for her transcend mere possession. This transformation from objectification to genuine affection underscores the idea that true romance involves recognizing the personhood and autonomy of the beloved.


Pygmalion written by George Bernard Shaw and first performed in 1913, is often analyzed as a social commentary or a comedy of manners. However, beneath its surface, the play also possesses elements that qualify it as a romance. At its core, “Pygmalion” is a story of transformation, growth, and the blossoming of love. This essay explores how the romantic theme is woven into the play’s fabric, using examples and evidence from the text to support the argument.

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