IGNOU BPCC 134 Solved Assignment 2022-23

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IGNOU BPCC 134 Solved Assignment 2022-23

We provide handwritten PDF and Hardcopy to our IGNOU and other university students. There are several types of handwritten assignment we provide all Over India. BPCC 134 STATISTICAL METHODS AND PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH Solved Assignment 2022-23 Download Free We are genuinely work in this field for so many time. You can get your assignment done – 8130208920

Important Note – IGNOU BPCC 134 Solved Assignment 2022-2023  Download Free You may be aware that you need to submit your assignments before you can appear for the Term End Exams. Please remember to keep a copy of your completed assignment, just in case the one you submitted is lost in transit.

Download Question Paper 

Submission Date :

  • 31st March 2033 (if enrolled in the July 2033 Session)
  • 30th Sept, 2033 (if enrolled in the January 2033 session).

All questions are compulsory.

Answer the following descriptive category questions in about 500 words each. Each question carries 20 marks in Assignment I of Part I. 

Answer the following short category questions in about 100 words each. Each question carries 5 marks in Assignment II of Part I.

PART II consist Tutorial which carry 30 marks.

Assignment – I

1. Define psychological research and describe the steps in research process.


The Scientific Method

Psychologists use the scientific method to conduct studies and research in psychology. The basic process of conducting psychology research involves asking a question, designing a study, collecting data, analyzing results, reaching conclusions, and sharing the findings.

Choosing a topic, selecting research methods, and figuring out how to analyze the data you collect can be intimidating, especially if you have little or no background in experimental methods. If you need help preparing for a research project, study, or experiment, start by reading this article outlining the basic steps in psychology research.

Correlational Research Methods

Correlational studies are one of the two major types of psychology research. Correlational studies are frequently used in psychology research to look for relationships between variables. While correlational studies can suggest that there is a relationship between two variables, finding a correlation does not prove that one variable causes a change in another variable. In other words, correlation does not equal causation. Learn more about the subtypes of correlational studies as well as methods of observation and scientific surveys.

Experimental Research Methods

The simple experiment is one of the most basic methods of determining if there is a cause-and-effect relationship between two variables. A simple experiment utilizes a control group of participants who receive no treatment and an experimental group of participants who receive the treatment. Experimenters then compare the results of the two groups to determine if the treatment had an effect. Find more information on the parts of a simple experiment and how results are measured.


Reliability is a vital component of a valid psychological test. What is reliability? How do we measure it? Simply put, reliability refers to the consistency of a measure. A test is considered reliable if we get the same result repeatedly. Learn more about reliability in psychology tests.


When determining the merits of a psychological test, validity is one of the most important factors to consider. What exactly is validity? One of the greatest concerns when creating a psychological test is whether or not it actually measures what we think it is measuring. For example, a test might be designed to measure a stable personality trait but instead measures transitory emotions generated by situational or environmental conditions. A valid test ensures that the results are an accurate reflection of the dimension undergoing assessment.

Glossary of Terms

Review some of the key terms that you should know and understand about psychology research methods. Spend some time studying these terms and definitions before your exam.

2. Compute Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation for the following data:

IGNOU Handwritten Hardcopy , WhatsApp – 8130208920

IGNOU BPCC 134 Solved Assignment 2022-2023 We provide handwritten PDF and Hardcopy to our IGNOU and other university students. There are several types of handwritten assignment we provide all Over India. BPCC 134 STATISTICAL METHODS AND PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH Solved Assignment 2022-23 Download Free We are genuinely work in this field for so many time. You can get your assignment done – 8130208920

GET IGNOU Handwritten Hardcopy , WhatsApp – 8130208920

Assignment – II

3. Discuss the methods of quantitative research.
4. Describe observation as a method of data collection.
5. Explain the scales of measurement with the help of suitable examples.
6. Compute mean, medina and mode for the following data.

7. Compute standard deviation for the following data.

8. Explain the divergence from normality with the help of suitable diagrams.

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IGNOU Instructions for the BPCC 134 STATISTICAL METHODS AND PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH Solved Assignment 2022-23

IGNOU BPCC 134 Solved Assignment 2022-2023 Download Free  Before attempting the assignment, please read the following instructions carefully.

  1. Read the detailed instructions about the assignment given in the Handbook and Programme Guide.
  2. Write your enrolment number, name, full address and date on the top right corner of the first page of your response sheet(s).
  3. Write the course title, assignment number and the name of the study centre you are attached to in the centre of the first page of your response sheet(s).
  4. Use only foolscap size paperfor your response and tag all the pages carefully
  5. Write the relevant question number with each answer.
  6. You should write in your own handwriting.

GUIDELINES FOR IGNOU Assignments 2022-23

IGNOU BPCC 134 Solved Assignment 2022-23 You will find it useful to keep the following points in mind:

  1. Planning: Read the questions carefully. IGNOU BPCC 134 Assignment 2022-23 Download Free Download PDF Go through the units on which they are based. Make some points regarding each question and then rearrange these in a logical order. And please write the answers in your own words. Do not reproduce passages from the units.
  2. Organisation: Be a little more selective and analytic before drawing up a rough outline of your answer. In an essay-type question, give adequate attention to your introduction and conclusion. IGNOU BPCC 134 Solved Assignment 2022-2023 Download Free Download PDF The introduction must offer your brief interpretation of the question and how you propose to develop it. The conclusion must summarise your response to the question. In the course of your answer, you may like to make references to other texts or critics as this will add some depth to your analysis.
  3. Presentation: IGNOU BPCC 134 Solved Assignment 2022-2023 Download Free Download PDF Once you are satisfied with your answers, you can write down the final version for submission, writing each answer neatly and underlining the points you wish to emphasize.

IGNOU Assignment Front Page

The top of the first page of your response sheet should look like this: Get IGNOU Assignment Front page through. And Attach on front page of your assignment. Students need to compulsory attach the front page in at the beginning of their handwritten assignment.

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NAME: ……………………………………………………………………

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COURSE TITLE: ………………………………………………………

ASSIGNMENT NO: …………………………………………………

STUDY CENTRE: …………………………………………….……..

DATE: ……………………………………………………………………

BPCC 134 Handwritten Assignment 2022-23

IGNOU BPCC 134 Solved Assignment 2022-23 – We provide handwritten PDF and Hardcopy to our IGNOU and other university students. BPCC 134 STATISTICAL METHODS AND PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH Solved Assignment 2022-23 Download Free Download PDF There are several types of handwritten assignment we provide all Over India. BPCC 134 STATISTICAL METHODS AND PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH Solved Assignment 2022-23 Download Free Download PDF We are genuinely work in this field for so many time. You can get your assignment done –8130208920

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