Examine Said’s definition of Orientalism. Do you find any flaws, or loop holes, in his argument. Discuss.

Examine Said’s definition of Orientalism. Do you find any flaws, or loop holes, in his argument. Discuss. 1. Edward Said’s Orientalism Edward Said’s Orientalism is his most celebrated work that hit the stalls in 1978. It has been influential in about half a dozen established disciplines, especially literary studies (English, comparative literature), history, anthropology, sociology, area studies (mainly … Read more

What is the importance of a Dalit Consciousness’ in Dalit writings. Explain with examples.

What is the importance of a Dalit Consciousness’ in Dalit writings. Explain with examples. Dalit consciousness makes slaves conscious of their slavery. Dalit consciousness is an important seed for Dalit literature; it is separate and distinct from the consciousness of other writers. Dalit literature is demarcated as unique because of this consciousness’. Limbale is clear … Read more

Explain the term ‘exploding the canonˊ. Critically analyse what the term means.

Explain the term ‘exploding the canonˊ. Critically analyse what the term means. In fiction and literature, the canon is the collection of works considered representative of a period or genre. The collected works of William Shakespeare, for instance, would be part of the canon of western literature, since his writing and writing style has had a … Read more

Why do you think Michael Madhusudan Dutt stopped writing in English and started writing in Bengali midway through his career as a writer.

Why do you think Michael Madhusudan Dutt stopped writing in English and started writing in Bengali midway through his career as a writer. Michael Madhusudan Datta who began writing in Bengali, when he realised the “impossibility of being European”, was not, in fact, ahead of his time, but very much of it. Madhusudan had, till … Read more

Would you agree that the social reform movements in India contributed to the institutionalisation of English studies. Discuss.

Would you agree that the social reform movements in India contributed to the institutionalisation of English studies. Discuss. Any society consists of diverse and different types of persons; persons with different religions, castes, colours, gender and faiths etc and it is expected that they all should live in harmony and without discrimination; ideal situation is … Read more

Elaborate on the way Patrick White structures time in Voss.

Elaborate on the way Patrick White structures time in Voss. Voss (1957) is the fifth published novel by Patrick White. It is based upon the life of the 19th-century Prussian explorer and naturalist Ludwig Leichhardt, who disappeared while on an expedition into the Australian outback. The novel centres on two characters: Voss, a German, and Laura, a young woman, orphaned and … Read more

Discuss Gig Ryan’s work in the context of the notion of Australian ‘mateship’.

Discuss Gig Ryan’s work in the context of the notion of Australian ‘mateship’. Mateship is an Australian cultural idiom that embodies equality, loyalty and friendship. Russel Ward, in The Australian Legend (1958), once saw the concept as central to the Australian people. Mateship derives from mate, meaning friend, commonly used in Australia as an amicable form of address. During the 1999 Australian constitutional referendum there was some consideration regarding the inclusion of the … Read more

What does the depiction of the Bush in stories/poems tell you about Australians’ attitudes towards their country.

What does the depiction of the Bush in stories/poems tell you about Australians’ attitudes towards their country. The Australian bush – a mythical and fascinating space that has been the setting of many films and all kinds of literature, and which is an interesting field for literary scholars, especially from the late 19th century, the … Read more

What do you understand by the term ‘aborigine’. How is their point of view represented in Australian literature.

What do you understand by the term ‘aborigine’. How is their point of view represented in Australian literature. The oral literature of Aboriginal peoples has an essentially ceremonial function. It supports the fundamental Aboriginal beliefs that what is given cannot be changed and that the past exists in an eternal present, and it serves to relate the … Read more

The issues that Australian writers had to grapple with before they could forge a literature of their own.

The issues that Australian writers had to grapple with before they could forge a literature of their own. Perhaps more so than in other countries, the literature of Australia characteristically expresses collective values. Even when the literature deals with the experiences of an individual, those experiences are very likely to be estimated in terms of the ordinary, … Read more