MPCE 011 Solved Assignment 2021-22 , MPCE 011 Solved Assignment 2021-22 , MPCE 011 Assignment 2022 , FREE MPCE 011 Assignment , IGNOU Assignments 2021-22- Gandhi National Open University had recently uploaded the assignments of this session for MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAMME IN PSYCHOLOGY (MAPC) for the year 2021-22. Students are recommended to download their Assignments from this webpage itself. They don’t need to go anywhere else when everything regarding the Assignments are available during this text only.
MPCE 011 Solved Assignment 2021-22 : for college kids – MPCE 011 PSYCHOPATHOLOGY Solved Assignment 2021-22 , Students are advised that after successfully downloading their Assignments, you’ll find each and every course assignments of your downloaded. Candidates got to create separate assignment for the IGNOU Master Course, so as that it’s easy for Evaluators to ascertain your assignments.
MPCE 011 Solved Assignment 2021-22
Course Code: MPCE-011
Assignment Code: MPCE-011/ASST/TMA/2021-22
Marks: 100
NOTE: All questions are compulsory.
Answer the following questions in 1000 words each. 3 x 15 = 45 marks
1. Compare and contrast the humanistic approach and behavioural approach in explaining abnormal behavior.
Humanism vs Behaviorism
Humanism and behaviorism are important schools within the field of psychology, as such, knowing the difference between humanism and behaviorism is important for anyone curious about psychology. Psychology, the scientific study of the human mental processes and behavior, features a number of approaches that also are considered as schools of psychology. These are essential for the event of the sector of psychology. Two such schools are humanism and behaviorism. Each approach presents a singular way of understanding the human mind and behavior. Simply defined, behaviorism pays attention to the external behavior of humans and ignores the mental processes which are unobservable. Humanism, on the opposite hand, looks at the individual as an entire . the most difference between humanism and behaviorism, the 2 schools of thought, is hence the change of direction from external behavior to the whole being. this text will plan to describe these two approaches and highlight the differences.
Humanistic Approach
The humanistic approach emphasizes the study of the entire person, which behavior is said to the individual’s inner feelings and self-concept (McLeod, 2007). The humanistic approach operates on the essential assumption that folks have discretion , and other people have an innate desire to form themselves, and therefore the world better (McLeod). Humanism also rejects the scientific approach utilized in other methods of psychological study, and places emphasis on humans being fundamentally different from other animals because humans are capable of thought, reason, and language (McLeod). Humanistic researchers rejected the rigorous scientific approach to psychology because it had been viewed as dehumanizing, and lacking within the ability to capture the importance of conscious experiences (McLeod). Instead, the humanist approach relies on qualitative research methods like diary accounts, open-ended questionnaires, unstructured interviews, and observations on a private level to get the ways people think and feel (McLeod).
The humanistic approach views personal growth and fulfillment as a basic human motive, and argue that objective reality is a smaller amount important than subjective perception and understanding (McLeod, 2007). It offered new ideals for approaching the understanding of attribute and condition, and expanded the horizon of methods wont to study human behavior. As a result, humanism introduced a broader range of effective methods of psychotherapy practices (McLeod).
Behaviorist Approach
The behaviorist theory operates on the essential assumptions that psychology should be approached from a scientific manner, and emphasizes the priority of observable behavior over internal events like thinking (McLeod, 2007). It also suggests that behavior is that the results of a stimulus, and is decided by the individual’s environment (McLeod). Behaviorist psychologists believe that theories require the support of empirical data obtained through carefully controlled observation and behavior measurement (McLeod). Behaviorists also believe that behavior are often objectively and scientifically measured, which internal events like thinking and emotion are often explained using behavioral terms (McLeod). Behavioral research employs clinical techniques like lab experiments.
Some of the more noted experiments in behavioral science are Pavlov’s Dogs, The Skinner Box, and therefore the Little Albert experiment. Although behavioral theory provides highly applicable therapy, it disregards mediational process, biology, and implies that individuals have little or no free-will (McLeod). Because behavioral theory emphasizes that individuals and animals learn new behavior through classical and conditioning , behaviorism is applied in areas like role development, behavioral therapy and modification, and treatment of phobias.
In brief, behaviorism may be a psychological approach that emphasizes the importance of observable actions and scientific studies and suggests that the environment shapes behavior. Humanism approach, on the opposite hand, emphasizes the study of the entire person and inner feelings. once we compare and contrast beahviorism and humanism, we will observe that these two perspectives have more differences than similarities.
2. Discuss the etiology and treatment of phobic disorder.
3. Explain generalized anxiety disorder with a case study. Discuss the etiology.
Answer the following questions in 400 words each. 5 x 5 = 25 marks
4. Explain the role of parenting styles and inadequate communication in the causation of psychopathology.
5. Provide the clinical picture of autism spectrum disorder.
6. Analyze the psychological factors in the causation of obsessive compulsive disorder.
7. Discuss the treatment for major depressive disorder.
8. Describe the characteristic features and types of delusional disorder.
Answer the following questions in 50 words each. 10 x 3 = 30 marks
9. Neurotic anxiety
10.Asperger syndrome
11.Panic attack
12.Aversion therapy
13.Covert sensitization
14.Kinds of paranoia
15.Diagnostic features of narcissistic personality disorder
16.Dissociative amnesia
17.Diagnostic criteria of schizoid personality disorder
18.Clinical picture of children with PTSD
IGNOU MPCE 011 Solved Assignment 2021-22 : Gandhi National Open University had recently updated this session of 2021-22 MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAMME IN PSYCHOLOGY (MAPC) assignments on their official university website. we’ve made your work easy by making the solved assignments directly on one portal so as that students can easily get the solved assignments in one go. Students are advised to download their MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAMME IN PSYCHOLOGY (MAPC) IGNOU Assignments from this webpage itself with none hassle.
GUIDELINES FOR MPCE 011 Solved Assignment:-
You will find it useful to keep the following points in mind:
1. Planning: Read the questions carefully. Go through the units on which they are based. Make some points regarding each question and then rearrange these in a logical order. And please write the answers in your own words. Do not reproduce passages from the units.
2. Organisation: Be a little more selective and analytic before drawing up a rough outline of your answer. In an essay-type question, give adequate attention to your introduction and conclusion. The introduction must offer your brief interpretation of the question and how you propose to develop it. The conclusion must summarise your response to the question. In the course of your answer, you may like to make references to other texts or critics as this will add some depth to your analysis.
Please ensure the following before submitting your assignment :
1. Your enrolment number, name and address have been written correctly.
2. The title of the course and assignment number has been written clearly.
3. Each assignment on each course has been written on separate sheets and pinned properly.
4. All the questions in a particular section should be answered before attempting the next
MPCE 011 Solved Assignment 2021-22 You don’t need to worry & go anywhere else on the online as everything regarding the MPC Assignments are available on this page. Students can easily download the IGNOU Assignments and submit them whenever they’re required to submit their assignments no matter their study centers.
If you’re finding out the IGNOU MPC Solved Assignment for 2021-22 Session then finally you’re at the right place. IGNOU MPC Solved Assignments for 2021-22 are now available for download. you’ll easily get the PDF files by clicking the download button against the particular subject that you simply simply wish to choose .
MPCE 011 Solved Assignment , you’ll download the MPC IGNOU assignments for courses , After submitting the assignment at the Study Centre / Programme Study Centre get the acknowledgement from the Coordinator / Programme In-charge. In case you have requested for a change of Study Centre, you should submit your Tutor Marked Assignments only to the original Study Centre until the change of Study Centre is notified by the University.
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